We decided to make some flower-shaped window biscuits with brightly coloured sweets to celebrate spring, but they were not as successful as we had hoped. The sweets in the middle stuck to the pan when we tried to take them out! The biscuits just crumbled. The biscuits were very yummy though! We used our tried and tested biscuit recipe for the window biscuits and used Sparkle sweets for the windows.
We were really disappointed because they looked great and we were really excited to eat them!
Here are the photos of us making them and the picture of the biscuits that did not break!

Nancy rolling out the dough.

Cody was really happy. He got to eat all the pieces of dough that fell on the floor. Yesterday he ate a whole pan of bread dough that my mom left to rise outside! Boy, was my mom mad!!!

We put all the different coloured crushed sweets in different bowls.

Beth putting the crushed sweets inside the holes of the biscuits. We crushed the sweets as the whole sweet would not fit in the hole we punched out of the middle of the biscuit.

Rebekah was so patient with us and waited in her chair for a good 15 minutes or so!

The biscuits that looked OK. They were yummy though!
Here is a picture of what it looks like outside. Really miserable out there!

There is a tiny bit of sunshine, but the clouds are very black still!
Next time I think we will make the hole bigger so we can pile the sweets up. We will also leave them to cool longer before taking them out. Well, we live and learn, don't we!
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