On Monday I made some chicken pies for supper. I had such fun putting them together! I put some little flowers that I had made from the left-over dough on the pies too! I don't really remember what else happened on Monday, it went by so quickly!
We had to go and fetch some things, that we needed for the market, from a lady who lives in Kenilworth . It is quite a long drive. My mom said that my dad would definitely NOT want to fetch it on a Friday evening after a long, tiring week on the river and the market the very next day. My mom promised all of us girls a treat if we behaved - it's really just to make the Little Ones behave, but we got to have a treat too, because we looked after them! On the way home we stopped in at a farm stall and I got a lemon and poppy seed muffin, my mom got a Amsterdammetjie and Nancy, Beth and Gabrielle got chocolate kisses. The kisses were basically just big sweetie pies, but made so beautifully, that one wouldn't want to eat it! My mom and I kept our treat for when we got home to have with a nice, hot cuppa tea. The others had theirs in the car - a good idea? Um, I don't think so -
chocolate on the seats,
chocolate in their hair,
chocolate on their clothes,
chocolate EVERYWHERE!

Gabrielle made a huge mess and had to be cleaned with a wet wipe! She was so messy and we thought it would make a cute photo of her sticky and dirty hands and face. My mom stopped the car, pulled out the camera, and took some cute pictures. That was Tuesday!

I thought I would show you this. I have been trying to knit a block a day. I want to make a lap-blanket for winter - yup, knitting, takes me ages! Here is a picture of me knitting with Rebekah sleeping in my arms!
Wednesday morning we took a trip to the beach. It was stunning weather. We all went down for a walk. Although my mom said to not put costumes on because the water was still too cold (16 deg) we ended up swimming in our clothes anyway! We found some sea anemones in a rock pool. I had great fun sticking my finger in them and having them suck my finger. I don't have any pictures, as my mom said that having a camera near sand and water would not be a good idea, especially since she had five children (one a baby) to look after and wouldn't be able to take photographs!

Here is another cute photo. Doesn't Rebekah look so sweet?
I decided I would play house and clean our home while Nancy cleaned the garden, which she was not ecstatic about.
On Thursday I turned on the cricket. I really love watching cricket and often I have late nights because of it. I sat on the couch holding Rebekah and I did some knitting while watching it. It was a great game and South Africa beat New Zealand! (sorry to all those New Zealand cricket fans) But, that's enough with the sports update, so lets get back to the real stuff!
We had some friends round for supper that evening and we also watched another episode of Little House on the Prairie.
And Friday? Well, Friday was my horse riding day. I usually ride on a Thursday, but my teacher changed it to Friday. My dad also came home from the river! We were all so glad to see him again! We missed him so much!
That's us - till next week!
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