After we have our tea party, we do a craft. Our choice of craft this week was to make butterfly strings. I will give you the instructions in another post.
We set the tea table in the kitchen with tea cups and saucers. My mom uses little pink esspresso tea cups and saucers for the Little Ones as she says you cannot drink tea out of plastic, even if you're two! Here are the photos.

Our table, all set.

Our cute pink esspresso cup. Isn't it cute?

Gabrielle really enjoyed her tea and cookie!

Eating, drinking and having a wonderful time!

Our tea set.
Here is my favourite poem that we read:
The Little Things That Happen
The little things that happen
Are tucked into your mind,
And come again to greet you
(Or most of them you'll find)
Through many little doorways,
in which you keep the keys,
They crowd into your thinking -
We call them memories.
But some of them are rovers
And wander off and get
so lost, the keys grow rusty,
And that means - you forgot.
But some stay ever near you;
You'll find they never rove -
The keys are always shining -
Those are the things you love.
Marjorie Wilson
We read many poems, but I just thought I would share this one with you.
We had a great time making the mobiles!
Here are the instructions if you would like to try them.
We are going to invite some friends round once a month to join us. Everyone will have a turn to recite their favourite poem. I am really looking forward to that!
Why don't you try having a poetry tea party, its such a great way to learn how to bake and to learn poems!
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