Monday, August 29, 2011

Time for Tots – Activity #12

Hello everyone!  It is time again for me to share my weekly tot activity with you!  But first I would like to show you all.......

...My new Tot School Sidebar buttons! These two adorable buttons are for you – they are for your blog’s sidebar. You can use either one of these buttons, top or bottom, if you want to – just right click on the picture and ‘save as’. Then you can upload it as a picture onto your blog if you would like to show off my ‘Time for Tots Link Up Party’ every week! The very top one is for your tot activity ideas so don’t forget to use it in your blog post for the link-up party! Read more here.

But now onto my weekly activity and that activity is...

Recycled Egg Box Caterpillars made in six fun and easy steps!

What you need:

A big egg box, cut into strips
Different coloured powder paints
Cold glue
Pipe cleaners of any colour, each one cut into three equal pieces
Googly eyes
Funky ribbon (optional)
Aprons for the tots and you!
Newspaper laid over the table

Step 1:  First paint the egg box strip your desired colours (be careful not put too much paint on your caterpillar or else it will become soggy and break!)

Paint it any way you like – plain green or multi-coloured to make it fancy!

Take your time to give it the finishing touches of an artist.

Step 2: ...Take a break at snack time to wait for your soggy caterpillars to dry in the sun...

...Read a story or two...

Step 3:  Using an awl, poke a hole through your caterpillar’s body for his/her legs.

Step 4:  Bend the pipe cleaners a little once putting them through the holes.

“It’s hard work”!  Rebekah age 2.

The legs should look like this underneath.

Step 5:  Poke another two holes on your friend’s (the caterpillar, that is) head.  Thread the pipe cleaner piece through to make feelers.

Step 6:  Glue two googly eyes onto your caterpillar’s face.

You’re done! Tie a bow in your favourite ribbon if you want to and give him/her a bow-tie!
Three gorgeous caterpillars made by the tots – Beth age seven, Gabrielle age four and Rebekah age two – Supervised by me, age fourteen:D

Go here to see the rest of my tot activities and those of others! I would love to see yours, too, so start linking up using your blog or email! The link up party is open all year!

‘To the tots’,

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