Inside this book, is everything you could ever want to know about growing organic vegetables. Jane shares a wealth of knowledge in her book which can help any person who is looking at starting an organic garden.
This book is a guide to organic planting in South Africa, so I don't know if you overseas folks would be able to use it, but for you South African folks, we HIGHLY recommend this book! your garden will never be the same again once you read and apply it!
My mom was ecstatic when she unwrapped this precious book! She had wanted it for a while, and now she had it as her very own!
From then on, while breastfeeding Rebekah, my mom reads a page or two of her book. She decided that, in order for her to 'remember' everything, she needed to 'do'.
My mom reads this book as a novel, not as a gardening guide. Jane has written in such a way that everyone can read and understand it!
At the moment, we have tomatoes that are on the way to becoming ripe, strawberries turning red almost everyday and a strawberry bush that is sending out millions of runners that are going to become new plants! Lettuce that is growing nicely, butternut that is growing at an adequate pace and a few beetroot plants that are JUST staying alive! We have lots of sweetcorn growing, most of which we never 'planted', they just came up on their own, out of the compost we laid in the raised bed! We have more tomato and butternut springing up, also out of the compost we laid in the raised bed! We also have lots of green peppers.......We have a beautiful garden that is well on the way to helping to sustain us.

Our corn is getting bigger by the day!

Our 'mixed' bed. We have to thin out the bed soon!

Each sweetcorn plant grew from a tiny kernel of corn!

Our green pepper bushes are looking great!

The biggest green pepper is as big as my hand!

Mildew is destroying our butternut! We are trying a mixture that we found here, to try and get rid of the mildew.

Snails had a feast......cannot seem to find the culprit!

We are also growing chillies! My dad loves chillies in his supper....I do too, but they have to be chopped very fine, otherwise I cannot breathe, they are so hot!
We have more seedlings coming up in seedling trays, which we will plant soon. We are trying to stagger everything, so that we don't have one month that we eat like royalty out of our garden, and the next month, all our greens are from the shop!
My dad built us two small raised beds in the December holidays. He is planning on building more, once all the veg in the tyres are finished, as the raised beds are so much more attractive than black tyres! We will use the empty tyres to plant potatoes along the wall by the driveway!
He also built a beautiful herb planter for my mom and the herbs are starting grow nicely!

The tall bush on the top right hand corner is yarrow. Our dear friends gave it to us. Yarrow stops bleeding. So if you cut yourself, just chop up some yarrow and put it on your finger - or any other bleeding spot, it makes the blood clot!
Whenever my mom is unsure of something or needs to know what plants to plant with what, she goes to 'Jane's Delicious Garden' for the answers.
We all love to take walks outside to admire all our vegetables and fruit! We still have a long way to go to becoming self-sustaining, but at least we have made a start by planting a vegetable garden. I would one day love to eat everything out of our garden!
We are also looking at getting chickens some time soon, I cannot wait!
Our garden has literally come alive since my mom started reading and 'doing', 'Jane's Delicious Garden'. She loves to go outside in the early morning to check on 'her' vegetables and herbs. It is lovely 'hobby' for my mom, as I am sure you know, moms are forever busy, they hardly ever have 'free time'. Now, one of us will hold Rebekah so my mom can have some time in her garden - anyway, it is benefiting us all too!
If you are unsure of starting a vegetable garden or you don't know where to go to get advice, I recommend visiting this blog, and this website. All you need to know is there! Have fun planting!
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