Here is what we did and achieved:

Rebekah got into the red wool I was knitting with!

We held our new baby guinea pigs, who now all have a temporary name! From left to right: Tubby, George and Smudge, all children of Candy and Toffee Cupcake. (Cupcake is their surname!)

We made Plum Jam.

Rebekah at 9 months - phew, they have gone fast!

We visited the library. Beth reading.

Gabrielle looking at the pictures. It must be so frustrating to not be able to read!

Even Rebekah wanted to look at books......

She obviously takes after her big sister Nancy, our bookworm.

Nancy and I built a great jump from shelving wood for Cody, our Boxer. He is an amazing jumper, and jumps nearly 1 meter! Of course we never jump those big jumps with him!

Wordless Wednesday.

We picked radish from our garden to have in our salad;

Along with our lettuce, spinach and celery!

We delivered two jars of fudge (we have a business supplying fudge to shops and we also sell fudge at markets) to Peregrine Farm stall in the Overberg.

And then drove to Houw Hoek farm stall to have a picnic lunch, and play on the Jungle Gym.

Nancy scaring me again!

Getting kisses from Mommy!

We went to the beach on a hot day;

Rebekah discovering the sand;

And then smearing it all over Mommy's pants!

Boogie Boarding fun! I didn't swim! I took pictures. There was no way I was going into deep water because there might, just might be a shark there! Also the water was cold - my excuse!

Nancy splashing Beth!

Then we were treated to ice-creams!

Rebekah had some of my ice-cream! I don't mind baby-slobber!

Rebekah trying to grab the pretty sunflower!

Friday Sketchers Challenge.
Wow! We had such a busy week! We had great fun though, as you saw!
I hope your week was just as exciting!
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