The other day, Aunty Linnie, from
Back To Ancient Ways tagged me to participate in a posting listing the principles by which I live.
These are the things I believe. Of course, I don't always manage to live up to them, but I try my best! And it took me a good few days to think this assignment through!
1. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins;
2. I believe in hard work - nothing comes easily!
3. I believe that my rewards are not on earth, but in Heaven,
so I should not store up treasures on earth;
4. I believe that I should be a good steward of any money that I might receive;
5. I believe that I should give the first fruits of my money to the Lord;
6. I believe in dressing modestly;
7. I believe that my body is the temple of the Lord, so I should not poison it by drinking, smoking or taking drugs. "Know ye that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost?"
8. I believe that the answers to whatever questions I may have, are in the Bible, so all I need to do is go and read;
9. I believe that there is no other God but the Lord;
10. I believe that I should never use the Lord's name in vain at anytime;
11. I believe that I should obey my mother and father, even when I think they are wrong or unfair, because the Lord has placed them in authority over me;
12. I believe that I should honour my mother and father like the Bible instructs. I should never talk badly about them or criticise them;
13. I believe that I should never date different boys, but wait for the Lord to bring the right husband across my path;
14. I believe that I should behave appropriately in front of my sisters, as they look up to me, and copy me;
15. I believe that God has placed me on this earth for a reason, so I should use my time wisely, seeking God's will for my life;
16. I believe that even if I make a mistake, I am not a failure, I am created in God's image, so I can't be a failure!
17. I believe that the Holy Spirit is the one who tells me if I am doing something wrong. he also tells me to go and confess my sins;
18. I believe that my mother is my role-model and she is the one who is responsible for teaching me how to become a godly mother and wife when I am older;
19. I believe that I can always start again - the Bible says that God's mercies are new each morning. I believe that God will always forgive me when I am truly repentant and will give me a second chance - maybe a 10th chance!
20. I believe that every difficulty I face will make me a stronger person - every difficulty will develop my character;
21. I believe that the Gospel
is the 'Good News' and I am not ashamed to share my love of Jesus with all the people I know and meet.
Now I have to pass on the assignment.
I tag:
Sasha Carlile at
Family LifeAnd our dear friend, Aunty Lisl at
Innie Skylte Blog