Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Time for Tots – Activity #3

Hello everyone – time for tot activity #3! This is an activity for a warm day.
This week Rebekah played with water and a paintbrush. She decorated the outside steps beautifully with imaginary paint and no one got cross because water is not messy and dries within minutes!
This activity is very easy to prepare. All you need is a big paintbrush and a tub of water! This activity actually keeps toddlers busy for quite a long time! They start by painting the porch, then the steps, the walls and finally themselves!

First you wet your paintbrush...Then you paint a beautiful picture on the steps...

...And paint some more...

This is a lot of fun! (Rebekah age 1)

{Remember you can also join in the tot fun. All you need to do is write a post on your blog with your tot activity idea (tried and tested with photos, please!) with a link back to THIS posting. Then hop over here and leave a comment on THIS posting (please click on THIS link for the rest of the rules and things) giving a link to your actual blog post. Do join in the fun!}

I am sure you tots will enjoy this activity – I know Rebekah did, and come to think of it, so did I when I was much younger! Have a lovely week!

‘To The Tots’,

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