This song is so beautiful, and these ladies voices are amazing!! Enjoy it!!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
The Pros of Moving
I love moving!
I love packing up - seeing the amount of things lying around gradually disappear and then seeing the mountains of full cardboard boxes slowly rise up, till you cannot see over it!
I love decluttering too - sorting through bits and pieces and throwing out what we don't need is fun! I love to see how many bags I can fill for either throw away, giveaway or sell.
I also love the day before the move....everyone is excited, nervous and happy, all at the same time! That evening the big people are popping the last few things in boxes and sealing them....that night is fun, sleeping in an empty room. You sleep with the bare minimum, so there is less to put in the car the next day! We can hardly get to sleep with anticipation!!
Then....the BIG DAY! It is a very stressful morning, but eventually all is done...we say goodbye to our house and our lives there, and carry on. The car trip is scary, fun and exciting! Our stops are frequent because of us little women in the car who forever need to visit the 'Ladies' 'to powder our noses', as Daddy calls it!
That night we arrive at our new destination and there is great excitement! We run around the house, looking at all the new things and choose our bedrooms! We find it hard to believe that this is our new home!
The night is scary and full of sounds and strange noises. Fortunately we have sisters to snuggle with. We again sleep with very little as most of it is still in the car or we just cannot find it!
The next day is fun and full of surprises! We unpack as much as we can in between meals, so that blood sugars don't go sliding downhill!! Setting up the beds and making them in the new rooms is so exciting! Unwrapping crockery and putting them in the right places is just wonderful....hmmmm...we are starting afresh!
So, yes, that is what I love about moving and starting a new life...but I said what I 'love'....there are things I don't like as well!
I am trying to be positive with this move, but it is very hard! We moved here to Fish Hoek two years ago, and I was two years younger and we had one less little one! I was only eleven, so my responsibilities and duties were far less!
Now I am thirteen, and we have a new little one in the house who is only one! That little tot is able to make a big difference between having a peaceful, well organized move, or a chaotic and stressful one! Fortunately, we have Nancy, our miracle Baby-Sitter! She is EXCELLENT! Rebekah loves her, and will stay with her for ages!
Me sorting out all the pictures and things my mom has collected throughout each of our lives....this took a while!! It was also very funny to see how we used to colour in when we were little - and what!!! There are some pictures that I drew that I will never show anyone...they are just too embarrassing!
Okay, I know our faces look very sad, but my dad took this before we were prepared!! This is how our dining room looked a day or two ago. Since then, we have packed things away and now only our table, chairs and a chest of drawers remains!!
We have only one sleep left here in this house, and, aaargh!!! We still have lots of things to do!
Today Nancy and I got lists of the things to do. It took a while!! There is a lot of cleaning still to be done in the house!! Dad sorted out the outside yesterday and today.
Whenever I start to complain about things we have to do in order to move, my mom always says to me "We are getting closer to our dream...keep going...think about the life we are going to live..stay strong...don't give up...we are nearly there..." And my mom is right! I just have to keep going, it is not long until we reach our dream!
So, yes, there are cons to moving too, but if I choose to focus only on the pros, I will be fine! The Bible says to give praise in all circumstances, so I am trying!
Our 'Praise Party' was to praise God for opening the door to allow us to move to live our dream. I didn't write this then, as it was still very much a secret!
Speaking of our praise party, I haven't forgotten to share the you can understand, we have been very busy with packing and typing out recipes takes ages, so I will do them, when I have more time! So hold on, they are coming!
So do please keep our family in your prayers and thoughts. We are moving on Monday morning to our new smallholding. Please pray for strength (for us bigger ones) and that peace, love, joy and love will remain in our house, and for lots of protection!
Blessings to all,
P.S. I am fast approaching 200 posts! This post is my 196th. My 200th post will be a celebratory post, and I am doing a little something special, so keep following my blog to find out and take part!!!
I love packing up - seeing the amount of things lying around gradually disappear and then seeing the mountains of full cardboard boxes slowly rise up, till you cannot see over it!
I love decluttering too - sorting through bits and pieces and throwing out what we don't need is fun! I love to see how many bags I can fill for either throw away, giveaway or sell.
I also love the day before the move....everyone is excited, nervous and happy, all at the same time! That evening the big people are popping the last few things in boxes and sealing them....that night is fun, sleeping in an empty room. You sleep with the bare minimum, so there is less to put in the car the next day! We can hardly get to sleep with anticipation!!
Then....the BIG DAY! It is a very stressful morning, but eventually all is done...we say goodbye to our house and our lives there, and carry on. The car trip is scary, fun and exciting! Our stops are frequent because of us little women in the car who forever need to visit the 'Ladies' 'to powder our noses', as Daddy calls it!
That night we arrive at our new destination and there is great excitement! We run around the house, looking at all the new things and choose our bedrooms! We find it hard to believe that this is our new home!
The night is scary and full of sounds and strange noises. Fortunately we have sisters to snuggle with. We again sleep with very little as most of it is still in the car or we just cannot find it!
The next day is fun and full of surprises! We unpack as much as we can in between meals, so that blood sugars don't go sliding downhill!! Setting up the beds and making them in the new rooms is so exciting! Unwrapping crockery and putting them in the right places is just wonderful....hmmmm...we are starting afresh!
So, yes, that is what I love about moving and starting a new life...but I said what I 'love'....there are things I don't like as well!
I am trying to be positive with this move, but it is very hard! We moved here to Fish Hoek two years ago, and I was two years younger and we had one less little one! I was only eleven, so my responsibilities and duties were far less!
Now I am thirteen, and we have a new little one in the house who is only one! That little tot is able to make a big difference between having a peaceful, well organized move, or a chaotic and stressful one! Fortunately, we have Nancy, our miracle Baby-Sitter! She is EXCELLENT! Rebekah loves her, and will stay with her for ages!
Me sorting out all the pictures and things my mom has collected throughout each of our lives....this took a while!! It was also very funny to see how we used to colour in when we were little - and what!!! There are some pictures that I drew that I will never show anyone...they are just too embarrassing!
Okay, I know our faces look very sad, but my dad took this before we were prepared!! This is how our dining room looked a day or two ago. Since then, we have packed things away and now only our table, chairs and a chest of drawers remains!!
We have only one sleep left here in this house, and, aaargh!!! We still have lots of things to do!
Today Nancy and I got lists of the things to do. It took a while!! There is a lot of cleaning still to be done in the house!! Dad sorted out the outside yesterday and today.
Whenever I start to complain about things we have to do in order to move, my mom always says to me "We are getting closer to our dream...keep going...think about the life we are going to live..stay strong...don't give up...we are nearly there..." And my mom is right! I just have to keep going, it is not long until we reach our dream!
So, yes, there are cons to moving too, but if I choose to focus only on the pros, I will be fine! The Bible says to give praise in all circumstances, so I am trying!
Our 'Praise Party' was to praise God for opening the door to allow us to move to live our dream. I didn't write this then, as it was still very much a secret!
Speaking of our praise party, I haven't forgotten to share the you can understand, we have been very busy with packing and typing out recipes takes ages, so I will do them, when I have more time! So hold on, they are coming!
So do please keep our family in your prayers and thoughts. We are moving on Monday morning to our new smallholding. Please pray for strength (for us bigger ones) and that peace, love, joy and love will remain in our house, and for lots of protection!
Blessings to all,
P.S. I am fast approaching 200 posts! This post is my 196th. My 200th post will be a celebratory post, and I am doing a little something special, so keep following my blog to find out and take part!!!
At CCFM Radio Station
Last week Wednesday, Nancy and I went with my dad to CCFM radio station. He and his business partner, Uncle Dave, were to be interviewed by Lynn Baker for Micro-University. Nancy and I had never been to a radio station before.
We were very excited to see how it all worked, and to meet the presenter that we know so well on the radio!!
Here are the photographs of our time at CCFM radio station!!!
Nancy and I in the studio. I had the headphones on so I could hear the interview very well!! Nancy and I took turns!

My dad talking!

We then went to Wayne Turner's studio so that he could record my dad and Uncle Dave talking about educational issues and then put it on the radio the next day.
Uncle Dave
Wayne Turner
We enjoyed ourselves very much and we got to learn how the radio station is run!!
I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend so far - we are busy cleaning and packing which I cannot say is much fun....but tonight we are going to a wonderful family for dinner which we are really looking forward to!!
Blessings to all,
We were very excited to see how it all worked, and to meet the presenter that we know so well on the radio!!
Here are the photographs of our time at CCFM radio station!!!
Nancy and I in the studio. I had the headphones on so I could hear the interview very well!! Nancy and I took turns!

My dad talking!

We then went to Wayne Turner's studio so that he could record my dad and Uncle Dave talking about educational issues and then put it on the radio the next day.
Uncle Dave
Wayne Turner
We enjoyed ourselves very much and we got to learn how the radio station is run!!
I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend so far - we are busy cleaning and packing which I cannot say is much fun....but tonight we are going to a wonderful family for dinner which we are really looking forward to!!
Blessings to all,
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Micro-University's First Course!
Today Micro-University hosted their first course - computers!
My dad was so excited that the dream he and Uncle Dave, his business partner and our friend had, had become reality, helping teenagers uncover their gifting.
The children who attended the course were from under-privileged communities and my dad said it was wonderful to see their excited faces when they arrived!!
Here are the photographs:
The boys on computer course.
One of the girls.
Deep concentration!
Two of the boys talking.
The three girls on computers!

The six teenagers who came on the computer course.
My dad left early this morning to go and welcome the first students on the first course!! We were still in bed when he left!!
Well done Uncle Dave and Daddy - well done on having your first course go well - we are very proud of you!
Blessings to all,
My dad was so excited that the dream he and Uncle Dave, his business partner and our friend had, had become reality, helping teenagers uncover their gifting.
The children who attended the course were from under-privileged communities and my dad said it was wonderful to see their excited faces when they arrived!!
Here are the photographs:
The boys on computer course.
One of the girls.
Deep concentration!
Two of the boys talking.
The three girls on computers!

The six teenagers who came on the computer course.
My dad left early this morning to go and welcome the first students on the first course!! We were still in bed when he left!!
Well done Uncle Dave and Daddy - well done on having your first course go well - we are very proud of you!
Blessings to all,
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Only A Dad
Happy Father's Day to Fathers everywhere!
Here is a poem my mom found off A Wise Woman Builds Her Home. This poem really describes my dad - he is the most wonderful dad ever!
My dad really loves this poem - my mom read it aloud during our family devotional time this evening!
Enjoy reading this poem!!
Here is a poem my mom found off A Wise Woman Builds Her Home. This poem really describes my dad - he is the most wonderful dad ever!
My dad really loves this poem - my mom read it aloud during our family devotional time this evening!
Enjoy reading this poem!!
Only A Dad
by Edgar Guest
by Edgar Guest
Only a dad with a tired face,
Coming home from the daily race,
Bringing little of gold or fame
To show how well he has played the game;
But glad in his heart that his own rejoice
To see him come and to hear his voice.
Coming home from the daily race,
Bringing little of gold or fame
To show how well he has played the game;
But glad in his heart that his own rejoice
To see him come and to hear his voice.
Only a dad with a brood of four,
One of ten million men or more
Plodding along in the daily strife,
Bearing the whips and the scorns of life,
With never a whimper of pain or hate,
For the sake of those who at home await.
One of ten million men or more
Plodding along in the daily strife,
Bearing the whips and the scorns of life,
With never a whimper of pain or hate,
For the sake of those who at home await.
Only a dad, neither rich nor proud,
Merely one of the surging crowd,
Toiling, striving from day to day,
Facing whatever may come his way,
Silent whenever the harsh condemn,
And bearing it all for the love of them.
Merely one of the surging crowd,
Toiling, striving from day to day,
Facing whatever may come his way,
Silent whenever the harsh condemn,
And bearing it all for the love of them.
Only a dad but he gives his all,
To smooth the way for his children small,
Doing with courage stern and grim
The deeds that his father did for him.
This is the line that for him I pen:
Only a dad, but the best of men.
To smooth the way for his children small,
Doing with courage stern and grim
The deeds that his father did for him.
This is the line that for him I pen:
Only a dad, but the best of men.
I got each of my sisters to write or dictate something they love most about our dad. Read and enjoy them below!
"What I love most about my dad...I love how he is so interested in my blogging...he loves to see how many new people check my blog out, and brags about it on Facebook! Also, I think he is just the greatest dad in the world!!!!!" Me (Kelly)
"I love my dad because he is so strong and he can help me do things. I love my dad because he is the best dad in the world!" Nancy age 10
"He taught me how to ride my bicycle!" Beth age 5
"I just yuv Daddy!" (I did ask her...this was all I got..cute, though!!!) Gabrielle age 3
"I love the way my daddy tickles and zerberts me!" Rebekah age 1 (of course Rebekah cannot talk...but she does love it when daddy tickles we thought this is what she might love most about her daddy!!!)
Dad loves us girls, and we love him!
I hope Fathers everywhere have had a blessed Father's Day!!!!
P.S. Read more things that we love about my dad HERE......
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Happy Birthday Card

Happy Thursday to everyone! It has been a while since I posted a card, but it has been crazy here, what with us moving and stuff!!
This week I made a special birthday card for my best friend. She is turning thirteen!!!
My friend introduced me to this type of card making, and Friday Sketchers Challenge. From there, we both found new challenges, and now, Heidi is a guest designer for Stampin for the Weekend!!!
I really love this card - basically because it is PINK - my favorite color, but I am sure you all know that by now, because practically all my cards have pink somewhere on them!!! Maybe it is because I am one of five pink is a favorite of us ALL!
This week I took part in the following challenges:
Stamp Something - Happy Sometimes
One Stitch At A Time Challenge - Celebrations
Charizma Cards Challenge All About Bling
My Time To Craft - Xtra Special
Crafts And Me - Friends or Family
Bunny Zoe's Crafts - Nice and Girly
So now, here is my birthday card:
I used a double-sided sheet of paper only for this card!
I used the stamp from the Sugar Nellie Collection called 'Demure'. I chalked all the way around the stamp for a pretty effect!
The little butterfly had a different gem on it, but it fell off, so I replaced it with a pink gem!
I decorated the inside too, and it says: 'Happy Birthday To A special Friend'.
This card took some real thought! I started using the Friday Sketchers layout, but then saw that I needed to change it a little - so I can't take part in Friday Sketchers!
Have a wonderful Friday!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
An Abundant Supply Of Guinea Pig Greens
Yesterday my dad came home from the supermarket with a huge bag of greens for my guinea pigs.
Every time we have to visit the shops, I always get a bag of the leftover greens (cabbage, lettuce, beetroot leaves, carrot tops). But I never get enough, so when my dad went to the shop, he asked the kind man at the weigh station to please keep a bag of food for him to come and pick up. The kind man, Jeremy, kept back a whole BIG bag of greens - enough to last me the whole week! I was sooooo happy!
So I spent yesterday evening sorting and cleaning all the leftover greens my dad brought home. I sorted them into bunches and tied them with elastic bands and then rinsed them because they were full of sand and would make our fridge dirty! It took me ages!

Look at all this food - my guinea pigs won't go hungry! Jeremy said that he will have another big bag of food on Wednesday, so listen up my dear guinea pigs, it's eat and feast for the next few days!!
It just shows you that there are still kind people out there! Collecting these greens must have taken a while, because Jeremy first had to cut off all the leaves! He even told my dad he would clean up the shelves, and take all the leaves that had fallen off, for my guinea pigs!
Often when I go and ask for greens, the kind ladies, or men are so sweet! Some ask me the names of my guinea pigs, so I have to go through all five of my guinea pigs' names, and then I tell them I breed them, so there are more!! Then they give me LOTS of food!
Nancy's new guinea pig, Honey. Daughter of Toffee and Candy Cupcake. As she is born from my guinea pig, you could say that "I" bred her! Isn't she beautiful...just look at those eyes!!
There are still kind-hearted people! Most people never smile, or say a kind word, but just when you think everyone is grumpy and unhappy, people come along and show you that there are still caring people in this world!
Have a wonderful week ahead and God bless!
Every time we have to visit the shops, I always get a bag of the leftover greens (cabbage, lettuce, beetroot leaves, carrot tops). But I never get enough, so when my dad went to the shop, he asked the kind man at the weigh station to please keep a bag of food for him to come and pick up. The kind man, Jeremy, kept back a whole BIG bag of greens - enough to last me the whole week! I was sooooo happy!
So I spent yesterday evening sorting and cleaning all the leftover greens my dad brought home. I sorted them into bunches and tied them with elastic bands and then rinsed them because they were full of sand and would make our fridge dirty! It took me ages!

Look at all this food - my guinea pigs won't go hungry! Jeremy said that he will have another big bag of food on Wednesday, so listen up my dear guinea pigs, it's eat and feast for the next few days!!
It just shows you that there are still kind people out there! Collecting these greens must have taken a while, because Jeremy first had to cut off all the leaves! He even told my dad he would clean up the shelves, and take all the leaves that had fallen off, for my guinea pigs!
Often when I go and ask for greens, the kind ladies, or men are so sweet! Some ask me the names of my guinea pigs, so I have to go through all five of my guinea pigs' names, and then I tell them I breed them, so there are more!! Then they give me LOTS of food!
Nancy's new guinea pig, Honey. Daughter of Toffee and Candy Cupcake. As she is born from my guinea pig, you could say that "I" bred her! Isn't she beautiful...just look at those eyes!!
There are still kind-hearted people! Most people never smile, or say a kind word, but just when you think everyone is grumpy and unhappy, people come along and show you that there are still caring people in this world!
Have a wonderful week ahead and God bless!
Monday, June 14, 2010
A Weekend Of Family, Friends And Fun
We had a wonderful time with family and friends this weekend! We were out a lot on Saturday, but on Sunday, we enjoyed each others' company, here at home!!
We said goodbye to dear friends of ours in Durbanville, where Nancy, Beth and Gabrielle had a great time on the Jungle Jim! I took some cute photos of them while they were playing!

After that, we went to another family that is also, very dear to us, for their little girl's seventh birthday party, where my sisters made cards!
Then we came home and watched a bit of Celtic Woman and Andre Rieu on YouTube. While we were watching, Rebekah played with the powder and then dad joined in, and this is what he did to her!!!
Sunday was nice and restful! We had a quiet morning,and then we decided to go for a walk, but as we stepped out of the front door.......the cloud burst and it rained for another twenty minutes or so, delaying our walk!
After the rain had cleared, we stepped into the sunshine that could suddenly disappear, as we have been experiencing serious 'Monkey's Weddings' these past few days! We had a nice walk around the wetland together!!! We got some well needed exercise and fresh air!

We had a very enjoyable weekend, and I hope you and your family did, too!!
Have a wonderful week ahead, and God bless!
We said goodbye to dear friends of ours in Durbanville, where Nancy, Beth and Gabrielle had a great time on the Jungle Jim! I took some cute photos of them while they were playing!

After that, we went to another family that is also, very dear to us, for their little girl's seventh birthday party, where my sisters made cards!
Then we came home and watched a bit of Celtic Woman and Andre Rieu on YouTube. While we were watching, Rebekah played with the powder and then dad joined in, and this is what he did to her!!!
Sunday was nice and restful! We had a quiet morning,and then we decided to go for a walk, but as we stepped out of the front door.......the cloud burst and it rained for another twenty minutes or so, delaying our walk!
After the rain had cleared, we stepped into the sunshine that could suddenly disappear, as we have been experiencing serious 'Monkey's Weddings' these past few days! We had a nice walk around the wetland together!!! We got some well needed exercise and fresh air!

We had a very enjoyable weekend, and I hope you and your family did, too!!
Have a wonderful week ahead, and God bless!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Beautiful Pictures Of The Girls
Yesterday, we said goodbye to very good friends of ours, who live in in Durbanville. They have a wonderful Jungle Jim that Beth, Nancy and Gabrielle played on! I love taking action photographs, so this was my moment! I was snapping away and these are the results!
Beautiful pictures of beautiful girls!
Princess Gabrielle (3 years)
Beautiful Beth (5.11months)
"This is the life"! Rebekah (1 year)
Gabrielle (3 years)
She wanted to do the monkey bars,
But fell on poor Nancy!
Nancy (10 years) relaxing on the swing.
Isn't Beth (5.11months) so sweet?
Such beautiful girls!
What a wonderful time they had!
I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!
Beautiful pictures of beautiful girls!
Princess Gabrielle (3 years)
Beautiful Beth (5.11months)
"This is the life"! Rebekah (1 year)
Gabrielle (3 years)
She wanted to do the monkey bars,
But fell on poor Nancy!
Nancy (10 years) relaxing on the swing.
Isn't Beth (5.11months) so sweet?
Such beautiful girls!
What a wonderful time they had!
I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Let Sleeping Babies Lie!
The other day my Mom was sick in bed, so Rebekah was all ours. We had to look after her and care for her, as poor Mom was too sick to do anything!
Rebekah was very tired, and was crying and crying, so Nancy took her outside. A little while later, Nancy came inside to call me, and said that I must be very quiet.
I was very suspicious....what had she done with my sister? So I went outside and had a peek.....
This is what I found:
Rebekah fast asleep in the wheelbarrow!!
She had fallen asleep, but not in the ideal bed! Nancy had only put plastic down to make it a little softer, but she was sleeping a baby!!!
I just had to grab my camera and take a picture!

Nancy had wheeled Rebekah around until she fell asleep!
Every time Rebekah stirred, Nancy would wheel her around some more until she settled down again!!
Nancy was very happy, because she could read for an hour, while Rebekah slept! Nancy is working her way through The Hardy Boy series by Franklin W. Dixon. My dad read them as a little boy, and he kept them in a box for us. I tried them, but I found them too scary! Nancy LOVES mystery stories, so she doesn't mind!
Now when we are having trouble with Rebekah, we pop her in the wheelbarrow and wheel her around till she falls asleep! It is a win-win: Mom gets free time and we get to read! And of course Rebekah is well rested! We now lay blankets down and pillows, as it is a lot more comfortable!
My mom said that we should paint the wheelbarrow pink and make some blankets and cushions for bedding, and put it in Rebekah's bedroom, because she sleeps better in the wheelbarrow than in her own cot!
What some sisters don't do to get their baby sisters to sleep!
I hope everyone has had a blessed week!
Rebekah was very tired, and was crying and crying, so Nancy took her outside. A little while later, Nancy came inside to call me, and said that I must be very quiet.
I was very suspicious....what had she done with my sister? So I went outside and had a peek.....
This is what I found:
Rebekah fast asleep in the wheelbarrow!!
She had fallen asleep, but not in the ideal bed! Nancy had only put plastic down to make it a little softer, but she was sleeping a baby!!!
I just had to grab my camera and take a picture!

Nancy had wheeled Rebekah around until she fell asleep!
Every time Rebekah stirred, Nancy would wheel her around some more until she settled down again!!
Nancy was very happy, because she could read for an hour, while Rebekah slept! Nancy is working her way through The Hardy Boy series by Franklin W. Dixon. My dad read them as a little boy, and he kept them in a box for us. I tried them, but I found them too scary! Nancy LOVES mystery stories, so she doesn't mind!
Now when we are having trouble with Rebekah, we pop her in the wheelbarrow and wheel her around till she falls asleep! It is a win-win: Mom gets free time and we get to read! And of course Rebekah is well rested! We now lay blankets down and pillows, as it is a lot more comfortable!
My mom said that we should paint the wheelbarrow pink and make some blankets and cushions for bedding, and put it in Rebekah's bedroom, because she sleeps better in the wheelbarrow than in her own cot!
What some sisters don't do to get their baby sisters to sleep!
I hope everyone has had a blessed week!
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