Today is the day that our baby is going to be born! We are now going to be a family of 7! I am looking forward to that! I like the number seven. It is used many times in the Bible! I really cannot believe today our baby, that we have waited so long for, will be born this afternoon! A new chapter in our life will begin!
On Monday night, we packed the baby's bag. It was a lot of fun! We did it when Daddy had put the Littles down! It was fun putting the shampoo in a little container and choosing the clothes she is going to wear at the hospital!!
Yesterday we cleaned the house, so that the house will be clean when my mom comes home. We do not want the baby having hay-fever from the dust!
Our friends let their house keeper come and cleaned for us! I helped with the dusting and cleaning, as there was a lot to do as Pumla could not clean everything! My feet were so sore afterwards! I was cleaning from 10 0' clock in the morning to
2 o' clock! It is nice to sit back and take a look at the clean house and know that you have done everything you need to do and now you can enjoy some well-earned free time!
It was fun though!
My mom sewed the sheet this morning. She was very busy this morning even though she was going in to the hospital later today! She finished the curtains the other day! It looks really nice now! Nancy painted the toiletry box white, as it was brown with an ugly cover inside. My mom is going to make a new cover for the box!
Last night we made a video of moms tummy with the baby still in the womb, and all of us were drawing pictures with cream on my mom's tummy! We also took photos of us hugging my mom's tummy!
I will put some pictures of the new baby on my blog tomorrow, as my dad will only be home late tonight and I will be asleep! He is going to take the pictures.
My mom left us a little chocolate so that we (the littles) would not cry! Our friends gave us a present of a notebook and a pen! It was nice to have something to make us feel a little happier about my mom and dad leaving!
My Aunt Charmaine is staying with us! We are actually going to have a nice time despite the fact that mom is away and we will miss her! I get to play 'mommy' for 3 days! Our food is just about made for us, as one of our friends is bringing us a meal for tonight! Another lady gave us mince to make a sauce for spaghetti! It was very sweet of them to offer to make meals!
My mom's prayer was answered, she has a room of her own with a lovely veiw! I am soooooooo glad about that!
My dad will phone us when the baby is born! I cannot wait! I remember with the last baby, (Gabrielle) we went to some friends and they looked after us. I was in charge of Beth, as she was only 2 years and 8 months! I put her down for her nap, made sure she ate, pushed her in the pram when we went for walks and sang to her! I was only 10, but I was a real 'mommy' to her! We waited forever for my dad to phone and tell us that our new little sister was born! We went the next day to visit my mom! We were not allowed in the maternity unit, so my mom had to come to us! The nurse brought Gabrielle for us to look at! We would have loved to hold and cuddle her, but we could not.
I held Gabrielle and helped to put her to sleep and to change her! I was sooooo excited to have a baby sister! Now, I get to do it again! Nancy is now going to be able to do more with this baby! she is much older than she was before. She was 7 with Gabrielle and 9, nearly 10 with this one!
The littles are down for their nap at the moment. They were very good going down!
We are going to visit my mom on Friday. I am soooooo excited to hold our new baby! I will post some pictures of us there.

Nancy painting the toiletry box white.

Nancy washing the rocker.

Me packing the cotton balls into the packet.

The packed bag!

My mom appliqued the hearts onto the curtains she made.

The curtains when they are finished.