Monday, February 27, 2012

My Verse for this Week and A Picture...

Hello friends! I wasn’t able to share my verse from last week with all of you because I was so busy getting our stall ready for the Outeniqua Farmers Market we started on the 25th (more in another posting!). Here is last week’s verse, and my verse for this week...

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you.”

Matthew 6:33

Week 8

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”

Matthew 7:7-8

Week 9

Enjoy the rest of your week!
~ Kelly-Anne

Mom's Entry for Heidi's Baking Challenge

Good morning everyone! Here is my mom’s entry for Heidi’s Baking Fun Challenge - Valentine’s Food (Roses, Hearts, red, pink, etc.). The challenge closes this afternoon, so be sure to hop over and enter:)
If you can’t, then be sure to visit her blog tomorrow to vote for your favourite recipe!!


200ml (200g) soft butter
125ml (110g) castor sugar
185ml (110g) cornflour
375ml (220g) cake flour
Extra castor sugar for dusting
250ml (130g) icing sugar, sifted
Pink food colouring

Beat the butter until light, add the castor sugar and beat for two minutes. Sift the cornflour and cake flour together and stir into the butter mixture until it forms a stiff dough. Roll the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and cut out heart-shaped biscuits. Place them onto greased baking trays. Use a smaller round cookie cutter to cut a hole out of the centre of half of the heart shapes. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes or until just golden. Remove from the oven and sprinkle with castor sugar. Allow to cool completely. Mix the icing sugar with enough water to make a spreadable consistency. Add a little pink food colouring. Spread the icing on the biscuits without holes and top each one with a hole in it. Allow the icing to set until firm.

Have a lovely day,

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Book Review: Emma by Jane Austen

I decided to start doing book reviews for my readers! I must confess that I don’t read too much, so, by being able to share what I’ve read with all of you, I will hopefully be inspired to read more. I am rather picky when it comes to books, so I want to know it is highly recommended...basically not under three stars!

My first review will be on one of my favourites, EMMA by the dearly loved Miss Austen.


Emma is the youngest daughter of a wealthy gentleman by the name of Woodhouse. She posseses both beauty and knowledge and is, in many ways, the ruler of Highbury. Although Emma herself is disinterested in marriage, she finds satisfaction in the match-making of her friends. However, when her ideas prove wrong, she has to somehow confess her failures to her friend and keep her countenance and pride intact. A charming young man comes to visit his father. He becomes the talk of the town, being both handsome and rich. He also seems to fall for Emma. She doesn’t pretend to be indifferent to his affections, even though she knows her faithful friend and advisor disapproves of his flattering ways. It comes as a shock when he announces his secret engagement to another young lady of talent who also lives in Highbury. The truth needs to be uncovered and in time it is, leaving everyone content. Emma has another admirer – an admirer who has loved her since she was very young. Will Emma accept his love, even though she has no desire to be married as yet? And will her friends find their perfect matches, too?

This novel has you guessing and assuming throughout! It is a little drawn out and can be a little boring in certain areas of the story, but it is well written. The language is beautiful, but it is a heavy read. There are many new words used in years gone by. At the end of the story, you feel satisfied and well fed with good literature. Definitely one of Jane Austen’s finest!

Have you read Emma? Your thoughts on this book? How would you rate it? Do you have a favourite Austen novel? Feel free to let me know in the comment box below!!

I also guest posted here!


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Life. Art. Creativity.

I have heard it said that life is what you make it and I am trying to enjoy it - make it fun and exciting, love every little thing that comes my way. 

This is my piece of artwork that I made for a Valentine’s Day Party the homeschoolers put together. It was so cute! Each child had to make a post box for all the mail they would be receiving (They also had to make a small gift for every other child). There were two age groups – 4-8 year olds and 9-15 year olds. My ‘lollipop’ mailbox won ‘the most creative’ category and Beth’s (below) won the most colourful! Out of the six prizes to be won, we won two! Way to go Gray Family:)

This is our little artist.  She drew the birds on her box without any guidance from the rest of us.  I love you so much, Bethy!

Gabrielle made such a sweet house (with a little help from us all).  We got the idea from Joyful Mama’s Place.

I am so impressed with Nancy’s box.  Although she finished before any of us, it still took her a long time and just look at how much effort she put into it...

...She put even more effort into her little gifts!  She sewed about fifteen felt hearts for her friends!  I am sure she will show some more photos on her blog soon:D

...Some more of Beth’s work...

I made a lot of bookmarks as my gifts.

So we did enjoy Valentine’s Day and everything leading up to the party:) Life happened, art happened and creativity happened...

Have a wonderful day, friends!

~ Kelly-Anne

Monday, February 13, 2012

Everything We Need...

If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all – how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?

Romans 8:31-32

My beautiful sister, Nancy...

I will be back soon with a longer post!


Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Wonderful Winner [So Exciting:]

Today is the 9th of February and definitely time to announce the wonderful winner of my {HeART} Giveaway!  I would like to thank all the following entrants for the sweet comments they left me, which really are encouraging:

Tane, Serenity, Ali, Aizess, Rachel Grace, Robyn (email entry), Kaylee Beth, Jenny K, Lily, Kianna Rose, Rebecca, Heidi-Mari, Kaelah (email entry) and Kathryn.  I would also like to thank Tane and Kathy for posting about my giveaway on their blogs - both of you received an extra entry:)

I would now like to announce the winner (...randomly picked by my sister, Nancy...)

...The process...

And the winner is...


Who said:  "Ohh those book marks are so beautiful. I am entering the giveaway. I hope I win!"

Please would you email me with your postal details, Ali, so I can send your prize off to you!!  Please just put 'Giveaway Winner' in the subject line so I know it's from you:)

Have a wonderful week further, everyone!


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Write them in your hearts.

Last week was very traumatic and eventful. We are still reeling from the shock and sorrow of losing our amazing doggie, Zak. If you have never had a dog before, or never experienced the love and loyalty a dog like Zak gave, you will most likely not understand the pain we have been feeling. I always used to think people who made a big thing of their dog’s death crazy, but experiencing it myself, I now sympathise with them. I will share more about Zak in another post sometime soon.

I have found that it really helps to have encouraging scripture written in your heart for times like these. I have now memorized six verses of the fifty two I have committed to memorizing this year. I would like to share them all with you. I don’t always get around to posting them on my blog, so I instead leave comments on the 52 Week 52 Verses blog here.

I print each verse I plan to memorize on a piece of A4 blank paper in stunning fonts and sizes. I then decorate it with ribbons, stamps (the ones I coloured but never used), paper flowers, pearls, gems, etc. Sometimes I paint the word most fitting to the verse in bold, so I know at a glance what it is about. Each piece of scripture goes up on my wall (don’t where I will put fifty two!) so I can read through them all before going to sleep. Each verse I can repeat whenever and wherever I am.

It would be lovely if you could join us in writing fifty two pieces of scripture in your heart! Please go to the main blog to view more details. Each participant chooses her own verse for the week, no matter how long it is, and either posts it on her blog, or leaves a comment on the 52 Weeks, 52 Verses challenge blog. Get inspiration by subscribing via email or becoming a follower...

The verses I have memorized so far are:

1 Corinthians 13:1-8
Ephesians 6:1-4
Philippians 4:4-7
Lamentations 3:21-23
2 Corinthians 9:6-9

And my verse for this week is...

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28

Remember that my {HeART} Giveaway closes at midnight tonight, so please go to this page to enter!

Lots of love,

Monday, February 6, 2012

Playing Tag

Hello friends! I hope you are well and enjoyed the weekend? I was tagged by the lovely Tane, from Fifth out of Ten and by my sweet friend, Heidi-Mari, from Heidi’s Crafts.

The Guidelines are as follows...
01 Post these guidelines.
02 Write eleven things about yourself.
03 Answer the questions the blogger you were tagged by, set for you.
04 Create eleven new questions for the bloggers you tagged, to answer.
05 Go to their blogs and let them know you have tagged them.

Eleven things about me…

1. I love the sport cricket – I follow it all the time!

2. I have flown in an aeroplane to Durban and back when I was ten.

3. I have only recently learnt how to sew, and now host a monthly sewing challenge!

4. Kelly G. Creations is my little business. I make cards, bookmarks and lots of other paper products.

5. I love wearing dresses, earrings and girly shoes! Believe it or not, I used to be more of a tomboy than a girly girl!

6. I want to tour Europe when I am older.

7. I love writing and I dream of writing a book that will be published!

8. My worst household chore is folding laundry!

9. Photography is by far one of the best things in my life:)

10. I adore making meals for my family, so I am called ‘chef’ by my younger sisters (even when I make a flop - thanks girls)!

11. I am praying for a puppy of my very own...

Now for Tane’s questions to me...

Question1. What is your favourite animal? Answer: I am not a mad animal lover, but Zak, our dog who died last week really found a special place in my heart. I would love another dog to ease the pain of losing him:)

Question 2. Which board-game can you play on and on and never get bored? Answer: I really dislike board games, so I can’t answer that question!
Question 3. What is your favourite country? Answer: I have only ever visited places in South Africa, but I would love to go to France one day!

Question 4. Bath or shower? Answer: I love a long, hot shower instead of a bath…

Question 5. A hike or a walk on the beach? Answer: I love the outdoors – mountains, rivers and fynbos are more my thing, so I would definitely choose a hike!

Question 6. Lily or Rose? Answer: Roses are the most beautiful flowers in the world:)

Question 7. Blue or pink? Answer: Don’t all girls love pink?!

Question 8. Are you tall or short? (or average?) Answer: Average:(

Question 9. If you were a fairy, would your wings be pointed or round? Answer: Pointed.

Question 10. Sneakers or high heels? Answer: I love heels but my parents would rather have me wait till I am fully grown before wearing them. I don’t really like sneakers, so I guess barefeet will have to do for now!

Question 11. Which do you prefer, salmon or tuna? Answer: Neither, (I hate seafood!) but I would rather have tuna than salmon!


Heidi-Mari’s questions to me...

Question 1. What colour is your hair? Answer: Blonde with streaks of brown.

Question 2. What do you want to do when you grow up? Answer: A professional photographer, but I would also like to be a world renowned chef:D

Question 3. What is your favorite subject in school? Answer: English!

Question 4. What do you prefer to wear, dresses or pants? Answer: I love wearing dresses but I also like jeans.

Question 5. How do you like to wear your hair? Ponytail, bun or lose? Answer: Loose, but my hair tends to go frizzy, so then I wear it in a bun.
Question 6. How are you planning to improve your relationship with God this year? Answer: By praying, seeking His face and memorizing scripture.

Question 7. If money was no concern, where would you like to go or what would you like to do? Answer: Go to Europe! I would also love to send every orphan in the world a gift and find them all a loving home!

Question 8. What are your top 3 favorite books? Answer: Emma by Jane Austen, Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder and the Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis

Question 9. Do you like working in the kitchen? Answer: Oh yes! I prefer cooking to baking and I love to decorate and photograph all my food!

Question 10. What do you like to do as a hobby? Answer: Paper craft. I also love writing and photography (and blogging!).

Question 11. What movie can you watch over and over and never get bored? Answer: Ice Age 3 and all of the Narnia films

My questions to the five people I have decided to tag...

Sweet or savoury?
Are you a girly girl or tomboy?
Your favourite music artist?
If you could be anyone or anything, who or what would you be?
Name one destination you would like to visit (anywhere in the world...)
Your favourite Biblical character besides Jesus Christ?
Author or artist? Which would you rather be?
Your favourite sport...?
Name three different languages you would like to speak.
Polka dots or stripes?
Your favourite character in the Narnia books and movies?

I would like to tag the following bloggers:

Jessica from Whose I Am
Sarah from Easy Make and Do
Sarah B. from The Home Front

Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sensational Sewing Challenge #6 - Fantastic Felt

I do apologize for being late with the new sewing challenge. I should be on time every month from now on, because we have just moved to our new house which is situated on the most amazing farm! We pray this will be our home forevermore, so I look forward to many happy hours spent in this room, writing lovely things for all of you:)

Due to the stress and chaos of moving (with lots of little ones, too) I am unable to even show you an example for this month’s challenge:( However, I do have something wonderful to make you smile and hopefully start getting creative!

...I am offering another prize to the winner of February’s sewing challenge! In order to be eligible for the prize, you must follow the guidelines below. But now, the theme for this month is...


Enter all your felty creations with Mr. Linky and stand a chance to win this beautiful prize...

Six pieces of colourful felt that will be shipped anywhere in the world to one wonderful and creative reader!!

Below are the challenge rules:

You can enter using your blog, or if you don’t have a blog of your own, then you are more than welcome to email your entry to me!

Create a new post (no back-linking allowed!) on your blog with at least one photograph of your finished product.
Email me your entry to me with also at least one photograph of the finished product. I will enter it on your behalf, so make sure you come back and check out your entry!

Make sure you also acknowledge where you got your pattern or inspiration from.

Please link back to Beautiful Girlhood so that others may enter too, or use my sewing challenge button in your post. (Email entries don’t apply)

You may enter as many times as you like, but with a different project each time!

Leave your entry with Inlinkz below – please note that you must leave a direct link to your blog post so that I can find it easily and leave you some love!!

Leave a comment on a few entries around yours, everybody loves comments!

You are more than welcome to have a little help with your sewing (my mom helps me a lot)! This challenge is open to anyone of any age!

Happy sewing!

Fantastice Felt!!!

2 entries so far!!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

The Winner of Sensational Sewing Challenge is...

I am proud to announce the winner of Sensational Sewing Challenge – Christmas! The Christmas themed challenge was run from the 1st of December till the 31st of January.  Unfortunately, I only received two entries, one being from my best friend, Heidi, and the other from my dear sister, Beth.

The wonderful winner, chosen randomly by my mom is.......

I will post your prize to you as soon as possible, my friend! For now, you can grab your winner’s button below and proudly display it on your blog sidebar with a link back to this post!

I would also like to welcome my new followers – thank you so much for joining Beautiful Girlhood!  I hope and pray you will feel blessed and inspired each time you visit this blog!

Don’t forget to enter my {HeART} Giveaway, open till February 7th!


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Living Life One Step at a Time in Faith

I am sitting at the computer, wondering which post to write first...I was unable to write this week due to our moving to a new (larger) home on a stunning farm just outside Sedgefield.  Our computer only got set up today, leaving you waiting for a new sewing challenge and the exciting outcome of my {HeART} Giveaway, which, by the way, will remain open till the 7th of February!!

To top off a (very) chaotic week of driving, cleaning, unpacking, some major structural renovations, etc, our sweet doggie, Zak, got REALLY sick.  Mom rushed him down to the vet this morning and, in spite of a very bad prognosis, seems to be pulling through. He is still on a drip and will remain there till tomorrow.  Because the treatment is so very costly, we are bringing him home to further treat him ourselves. Beth and the rest of our family would really appreciate your prayers - I don't know what life would be like without Zak! He really is part of our family!

Sofia is getting cuter by the day, so stay posted for an adorable selection of photographs...and smiles:)

...And as soon as the weather warms up and we get organized (lol), I will snap some photos of our lovely house, the scenery and the girls!  It really feels like winter has come along again but we are grateful for the bountiful and much needed rain which has fallen. 

We also spent many anxious moments thinking of my grandmother and her husband who manage a private game reserve in the Bain's Kloof mountains.  Earlier this week, fires swept through their area, burning eighteen of the thirty four log cabins to the ground.  Thankfully my Gran's cabin was saved and we are grateful that the Lord Jesus answered our prayers for her and her husband's protection, and the safety of her home.  

The verse I have picked for the week is 2 Corinthians 9:6-9.

'Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.  Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.  And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.'

I will be back soon!  Enjoy the rest of your week!

Lots of love,