Ah, how I love this time of year when the garden begins to grow in earnest...the little seeds and seedlings I planted in September have begun to flower and fruit...how exciting is that?

The joys of farm living are evident in the Springtime...especially as the weather warms up and the spring rains fall! As I once remarked to a sweet blog friend...it is as if one can actually ''see'' or ''hear'' the plants growing as they drink in the water and soak up the warmth!

Pretty flowers adorning the pathway...
Do come and take a walk with me around my November garden, dear friends...?
Bush beans flowering and producing beans in abundance! They are Rio Zape bush beans, and I am growing them to dry...my! Once you have tasted home grown beans in a dish, you will never want to buy store-bought again!
Albenga Bush Beans...
One of my favourite ways to cook green beans, is to cut them up into 1.5cm pieces and fry them over a medium heat in a little butter and some extra-virgin olive oil...add some crushed garlic - about 2 cloves - and fry for a further minute. Once the beans start to turn slightly golden (or taste them - they should still be crisp...don't overcook the beans!), add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. Stir and serve immediently as a simple and flavourful side dish.
Potatoes, all seven beds of them, growing so beautifully! I love new potatoes, and can't wait to harvest these!
...And a few other lovelies...{{smiles}}
Sage...how pretty are these purple flowers...?
Gem Squash...
Ashley Cucumer...almost there, folks! Hmmm....I can taste those pickled cucumbers!
...And beautiful peaches! Ah...
Gem Squash...
Ashley Cucumer...almost there, folks! Hmmm....I can taste those pickled cucumbers!
...And beautiful peaches! Ah...
...And I just had to share pictures of our little pooches...
My Izzie...
Oh, and before I forget, just take a look at this beauty overlooking our garden... This is a Brown Hooded Kingfisher and he visits us quite regularly...I got as close as I could and snapped this before he spotted me and flew away...
What is growing in your garden at the moment...? I know many of you are weloming cooler Autumn weather, and letting your gardens rest...but for my fellow readers enjoying springtime, may you enjoy each busy day sowing, weeding and watching...
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I'm not sure if this makes me really sad, because I can't grow a garden right now--or if it makes me really happy, because I can't grow a garden right now! (It's winter here in the U.S.) I think I'll choose the latter! Thanks for sharing pictures Kelly-Anne! It looks beautiful and healthy!
Ahh the freshness of spring! Yes we are entering the fallow period so not much blooming here but thanks to your photos I can enjoy lovely flowers & the promise of fruit growing ! Looking really good in your garden!
I love your little dog Izzie enjoying a run through the garden too!
Have a blessed week, sweet Kelly-Anne!
Kelly-Anne...what an absolutely beautiful garden you are growing! Oh my, those glorious vegetable blooms are just stunning! Darling puppy dogs and a gorgeous bird too...just fantastic photos, one and all! Have a blessed rest of the week, sweet friend :)
Kelly-Anne, I was intrigued by your blog post title as living in Northeast America everything is becoming cold and barren. I forget how in other parts of the world, springtime has begun. Thank you for sharing your November garden. It brought memories of warm weather and new growth adding a bright spot to a rainy cold day here in Southern New England. :-)
What beautiful pictures!
Your garden looks lovely! I can't wait for a garden next spring. Your dog is really cute and the kingfisher is gorgeous! I'm a bird watcher and had never heard of such a kind of kingfisher, it's so colorful!
That little bird in the last photo is so unusual. It looks like something you would buy at the pet store to put in a cage! How pretty! Sweet hugs, Diane
Yummy!! You are making me hungry!!!!!! Your method for cooking the green beans sounds wonderful. A way that I cook mine that my family loves is to put 2-3 beef boullion cubes in the water and let them cook down. Oh, it is good!! Thank you for sharing your pictures...I love the sweet pooches...so precious. Sending you big hugs from across the miles, sweet friend!
Hello Kelly-Anne! What a beautiful garden you have. It truly is amazing, isn't it? All the colors and bounty all from a little seed. It's hard to believe it's Spring in your neck of the woods. It's much cooler here with snow in the mountains.
May you be blessed with warmth and lots of produce this year.
I'm hoping to can some salsa from our greenhouse goodies here soon and hopefully some plum jelly...
Have a lovely week!
Hugs to you, Amy
Beautiful garden photos and your dogs are super cute. <3 ~Lisa
What a beautiful garden! :D The flowers are so pretty , your little dogs are super cute (are they Jack Russels?)and that Kingfisher is stunning! Enjoy your outdoor time this spring. :)
Kelly-Anne your garden is delightful. I've never seen beens like that before. The ones with the purple color are really cool looking. I bet it's fun to see the fruits of your labor as they sprout, grow & produce. - We don't have space for a garden in our yard but I do enjoy growing flowers. Many of which are still blooming even though we are well into fall. It's been fairly warm here this time of year so far.
Oh how marvelously exciting it is to see your beautiful garden growing! Your plants all look so healthy, and vibrant, and what joy it must be to see that happening. Your method of cooking green beans sounds so wonderful, I wish I could have a taste of them now! I find it interesting your name for squash is corgettes! And 7 beds of potatoes - oh wow! So awesome! Your pictures are really wonderful, and a bright spot of joy today - as our weather here is overcast, gray, cool and windy! Enjoy the wonderful bounty in your garden, and share it with us... always appreciated as we go through the days of winter here :) Have a blessed and wonderful day!
Your garden is still rich in gifts in November !
I haven't a garden here yet, I have no time to take care of it, but I'd love to try and plant something next year.
Sending love and hugs
Your pictures are amazing and your garden looks so very healthy! Thank you for sharing the loveliness with us :)
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