Thursday, March 29, 2012

"I Love my Mommy!"

"Oooh...I love my mommy so much!"

"Wait...where Mommy going?"


"...I can't believe it..."

Sofia loves her mommy so much!  She is such a sweet baby sister who loves to smile and be happy.

We are so glad you're in our lives, Sofia!


Sunday, March 25, 2012

On the road

It is heavenly venturing into the fields and down to the dam for a nice, long walk with the dogs.  This time of year not many flowers are growing, but it is beautiful still.  You never know what you may find hidden on this farm and thus you never tire of this place.

So if you came to visit me today, this is what I'd want to show you...

...But first - breathe and relax...walking on Charis Farm is about the journey, not just about the destination.

If you picked fynbos, Nancy would want to join you.  She loves to find new and beautiful flowers growing near her home...

...You would have to wait for me to photograph every living plant in any case...

Is yellow one of God's favourite colours? 

We stop and admire each new creation we find so you would have to bear with us, please.

We always find something to make us smile...

And if you came to walk with me I'd make sure refreshments were awaiting you at home.  What do you love most to eat for tea...?


I'd return the visit soon enough and watch you lead the way to your most treasured spots.  Where do you like most to walk?

This reminds me of our walk with God and our journey through life.  Are we enjoying it like we enjoy a quiet stroll on a Sunday afternoon? 

What do you like doing on Sundays?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Lovliness of Little Girls

...The wonders of being little...

...It's the beauty of living in a make-believe world...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Absolutely Delicious...Blog Award!

Hello everyone!  I received this beautiful award from Tane!  Isn't it lovely?

The guidelines for this particular award are as follows:

1. Post these rules.
2. Award 4 other people.
3. Tell them in a comment on their blog that you have awarded them.
4. Put the Absolutely Delicious Blog Award on your sidebar to tell everyone you've been awarded!

I would like to award the four bloggers below:

Perrin from PerrinPhilippa
Se7en from Se7en
And Heidi-Mari from Heidi's Crafts

Oh, and my verse for this week is Issiah 40:31

"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strengh.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not be weary; they will walk and not be faint."


Sunday, March 18, 2012

"The Words of my Mouth"

My verse for this week past is Psalm 19:14:

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer."


The Life of Izzie Part One

Hello everyone, my name is Izzie.  I'm an adorable Jack Russell Terrier who came to live with my new mommy and her family on Monday.  I travelled up to Elandskraal, Knysna, from Cape Town with my Mommy's granny.  When we stopped in Sedgefield before arriving at Charis Farm, Great-Grandma tied a pink bow around my neck and bought me a sweet blanket with cats on it.

I was a little nervous to meet my new pet and ALL her sisters (not to mention cows, guinea pigs, cats, etc.).  However, they all loved me from the start!

This is Sofia, my youngest aunt...I'm not too sure of her - yet.

Everyone cuddled and gave me yummy treats such as chewy bones for my sharp little teeth.  They always yell when I (accidently) give them a playful chew or a wet puppy kiss.  I ended up sleeping in my mommy's bed the first night...

I turned two months old on the 15th of March and today they took me to the beach for the first time!!

Wow!  There was so much sand everywhere!  I got a little scared when Mommy took me into the water.  I tugged on the lead and ran back quickly to our spot on the beach.

I love my aunt Nancy and my granny...

Two of my naughtiest aunties...

This is Rebekah.  This aunty and I have such fun together - we're like two peas in a pod.

And you know what?  Someone actually stopped Mom and asked her about ME! They said "cute" which I most certainly am:)

Afterwards, the family had ice cream but I wasn't allowed any cause Mom said it wasn't good for dogs:(

Give all your pets a pup kissy from me ~

Note from Kelly:

Hello friends!  As you must have guessed already, Izzie is my new dog.  'The Life of Izzie' is a monthly article featured on Beautiful  Girlhood.  

Be sure to let us know about your pet in the comment box below.  If you miss a couple of parts, don't worry, Izzie's Blog can be visited here:)  Smiles, Kelly

Monday, March 12, 2012

My Little Izzie

This is Izzie, my gorgeous Jack Russell Terrier puppy.  She arrived with my Grandma this morning (Granny is here for a few days:) and we have all fallen in love with her!

I will be back soon with some more photographs,

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Winner of Sensational Sewing Challenge #6 is...

My sister, Nancy made these adorable felt hearts for Valentine's Day and she wins...

Six pieces of brightly coloured felt and...

This beautiful button for her blog:)

Don't forget to join me in this month's sewing challenge for 'Cross-Stitch and Embroidery'!  You can enter HERE!


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Sensational Sewing Challenge #7...

Hello everyone! As you can see, I am rather late with posting the new sewing challenge!

The last two weeks have been a whirlwind of activity! The whole house has had to be sprayed down with special disinfectant bought from the vet. Zak died of a very contagious and dangerous disease, and, because I want to get another puppy soon, I have to make sure everything is safe!

We also got a cow which we named ‘Molly’ and tonight will be the first time we will milk her. Besides that, March is full of special birthdays of family members and close friends, so we have been making lots of presents...I’ll share more in another post soon! (No peeking, Granny)!
But now, onto challenge number six, which is ‘Cross-Stitch or Embroidery’!

You can embroider any design onto anything or make a small picture with cross-stitch! This is a very easy challenge, so I want to see lots of entries! Remember, you don’t have to be excellent at sewing to take part:)

My example is a little cross-stitched heart which I will use as a card-topper.

The rules for the challenge are as follows, so please take a quick read through before you link up using the blue frog below!

You can enter using your blog, or if you don’t have a blog of your own, then you are more than welcome to email your entry to me!

Create a new post (no back-linking allowed!) on your blog with at least one photograph of your finished product.
Email me your entry to me with also at least one photograph of the finished product. I will enter it on your behalf, so make sure you come back and check out your entry!

Make sure you also acknowledge where you got your pattern or inspiration from.

Please link back to Beautiful Girlhood so that others may enter too, or use my sewing challenge button in your post. (Email entries don’t apply)

You may enter as many times as you like, but with a different project each time!

Leave your entry with Inlinkz below – please note that you must leave a direct link to your blog post so that I can find it easily and leave you some love!!

Leave a comment on a few entries around yours, everybody loves comments!

You are more than welcome to have a little help with your sewing (my mom helps me a lot)! This challenge is open to anyone of any age!

NOTICE: Sensational Sewing Challenge will be posted on the 5th of every month from now on. And the winner will be posted on the 6th!

P.S. My verse for the week is Matthew 18:3-4

“I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me.”
A very apt verse for me:)
Have a blessed day everyone!

Cross-Stitch and Embroidery

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Tribute to Zak

Zak: So energetic, lively, fun. He made life into a game, kept us all smiling at his fun antics and kept us fit running around after soccer balls and playing Frisbee. I miss you, my friend. Never in my life have I met such a crazy pup as you, and you filled such a special place in our hearts.

Zak’s story started when we left the Langkloof at the beginning of last year. Beth came running into the house shouting: “Guess what, mom? I’m getting a puppy!” Mom looked at me, I looked at mom. A puppy…hmm this should be fun.

So Zak came home and guess who had to prepare his bed, take him to the loo all hours of the night and comfort his lonely heart by allowing him into her bed? You guessed right – me! I didn’t mind though, he had captured my heart.

During our time on the small-holding in Kraaibosch, he showed us how to play soccer and have fun. He loved his family but didn’t like going to the beach. He loved ice-cream and squishy cone that Rebekah didn’t want to finish (…and us neither!). He wanted to be part of the family.

Zak did school too. He sat on the bench while the little ones painted; he played bubbles with mom and Rebekah. He picked berries and ate them, and, as I mentioned earlier, he LOVED soccer and was a real pro at it too. He hardly needed to be trained to sit and lie down. He was easy in that regard. I am grateful that he was around to alert us of snakes lurking in our garden and he followed me wherever I went.

Zak was put down three weeks ago after contracting parvovirus. Even though he was a fighter, it was too much for his little body to endure. I will always miss him.
