Blogging has been a wonderful experience, and I shall certainly continue!
Thank you for the encouragement and the comments, I appreciate them all!
I must say a VERY big thank you must go to my mom, who so kindly checked the spelling and grammar in almost every one of those 170 posts!

My mom and me
My dad must also be thanked, because he was the one who dealt with all the internet issues and started my blog for me!
And then I think my sisters need thanks for posing for literally hundreds of photos!

Mom and her five girls on my 13th birthday
Thank you family! You are great!
Today, my mom bought me a cupcake from the market, to celebrate the one year of my blog. She said that the cupcake was beautifully decorated, but got slightly squished on the way home. I was so surprised and so touched that my mom had thought of me, and I didn't mind the fact that it was squashed!! I left it on the kitchen counter for 'later', but when I came back, the chocolate ball on top of the cupcake had 'disappeared'.......Gabrielle!! My mom sang happy blog anniversary to me and I blew out the candle!

Me with my blog birthday cupcake (I got another chocolate ball!)
And I have decided that I should share how I started Beautiful Girlhood and what I want it to become:
Early April, 2009, my mom's friend started her blog. I was very interested to read her posts, and loved how everything was just so 'perfect'! There were labels, and followers and lots of wonderful things - I also wanted a blog!
There were lots of other things that had to happen before my blog began, like finding out how to start the whole process, which Aunty Linnie, my mom's good friend, very kindly helped me to do!
I was so excited I could hardly sit still, and I am not joking. I have to confess, I pestered my dad quite a lot, until he decided to just help me and get it over with. We sat for a long time, trying to figure out how the process works, and we succeeded a little while later! We were both very happy!
My mom wasn't so sure about my blog, but she agreed to correct posts and help me all she could. She thought the novelty would wear off in a month or two - but it never did!!
The name 'Beautiful Girlhood' I had decided upon when I first thought of my blog, because it is what I am experiencing at this time of my life.
Beautiful girlhood is the time of learning - learning to become a beautiful woman for God! You have to learn how to handle situations good or bad and display the love of Jesus at all times.
Of course, we cannot all get this right straight away. I struggle every day to smile through tough situations, speak gently when I want to shout, swallow when I want to cry, keep from losing my temper when I am tired and be a patient sister to the little one who has drawn over my schoolwork (or eaten my chocolate ball!)
I have the privilege of staying at home, and being schooled by my mom, who knows the bad elements of the world, and has protected me from them. I know right from wrong and punishment is not uncommon!! All of which have helped guide me to what I believe is the right path.
Beautiful Girlhood blog was, and is, a way for me to share my challenges, difficulties and exciting and rewarding times with other young girls, to encourage them, as I am encouraged by the blogs of others.
I hope that you all have enjoyed the posts I have written and tried out some of the crafts and recipes! I hope to do lots more, so watch this space!
Enjoy this time of beautiful girlhood and have fun doing girly things!
Blessings to all,
Happy Blog Anniversary, Kelly-Anne! Love you lots!
Dear Kelly,
I enjoy reading your blog a lot and I’m looking forward to many new posts.
May the time you have available to sit and write a post go by slow, so that you have lots of time to do posts!
I hope you have a blessed week, my friend.
LOTS of love
Thank you Aunty Linnie and Heidi-Mari! This week is busy with Gabrielle's birthday and people coming, but come next week, there will be many more posts! Thank you for being faithful readers of my blog! Lots of love
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