Continuing the beloved story of Anne Shirley, a red-head orphan girl who came to live with the Cuthbert’s in Avonlea seven years previously, ‘Anne of the Island’ describes the ups and downs of Anne’s college life in Kingsport. Four years is a long time to be away from dear old Green Gables and Anne realises that everyone must grow up sometime, especially when a dark and handsome Prince Charming reveals himself. With Diana married and friends moving away from her, Anne is left to make a decision she’s not sure she will regret...But during the heart-ache and grief there is always some pleasure which Anne and her girl-friends discover in their cosy little college home during term-time and there are always the holidays to look forward to when she goes home to be with Marilla and the twins.
Anne of the Island is the third book in the ‘Anne of Green Gables’ series by Lucy Maud Montgomery.
A personal favourite in this delightful series!
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