Yesterday afternoon I decided to make a felt heart. My mom makes them as gifts and to sell at markets and she offered for me to make one, too! I have only ever made one felt ‘something’ which was the SUN!
This is what I used:
· A piece of pink and a piece of blue felt
· A coloured button
· One piece of blue embroidery cotton and one piece of pink
· A little bit of stuffing
· A brooch pin
· A needle
· My mom’s good, sharp sewing scissors
· Two heart templates, one small and the other large
· A black pen for tracing

I first traced my hearts on the felt. Two large on the blue and one small on the pink.

Sewed on the brooch pin.

I then cut them out and

Sewed on the brooch pin.
The green button got sewed onto the small, pink heart next.

Then the pink heart got sewed onto the large, blue heart.
Two pieces ready to be sewn together.
I sewed the pieces together with pink cotton.
I then stuffed it and sewed it up.
And then I was done!

Beth age six who modelled for me!
I gave the brooch to Gabrielle because I wouldn’t really wear it myself!
Why don’t you try making one yourself? It is really very easy and quick to make!