
Monday, February 29, 2016

How~to~make Fabric Covered Hangers

Remember, oh so long ago, when I promised to share a tutorial for these sweet padded hangers, covered in pretty fabric and decorated with a ribbon bow...?
Time flew by, and as the festive season delights mounted, my time became less and I almost forgot all about this promised sewing project...

I recently wanted to make a few padded hangers for a friend of mine who is expecting a new little blessing within the next few days, and thought I would make a couple more for my stall at the market...after all they are so lovely to make.  Simple and effective which, as you know, I love!

Thus, without further ado, I introduce to you...the fabric covered hanger and some instructions and pictures for you ~ perhaps you may feel inclined to do a little sewing this afternoon or you need a gift for someone dear.  And if you should experience any trouble with my instructions, please know that you are welcome to mail me anytime...I would be happy to lend a hand!

Oh, and the light was utterly terrible for taking pictures, so I do hope you will excuse the poor quality pictures in the tutorial, my friends...

You Will Need...

A wooden hanger measuring about 13cm x 2.5cm...adjust pattern accordingly if you have a hanger of a different size.
Quilting Cotton...the brighter the better!
Pretty Ribbon
Plastic Piping, for covering the wire hook of the hanger 

Sewing Machine
Iron and Ironing Board
Self-Healing Cutting Mat
Rotary Cutter

To Make:
Begin by selecting the fabric you wish to use...I always work with 100% cotton, and I love having a collection of pretty quilting material as it is just oh so delightful to work in!  
 Padded hangers are sweet given in twos, so choose two coordinating fabrics as well as some matching ribbons...
Using your ruler, self-healing mat and rotary cutter, measure and cut fabric and batting pieces:  
You will need two 13.5cm x 2.5cm pieces of patterned fabric, and one 5cm x 13cm piece of batting.

Now cut a piece of plastic piping for the hook of the hanger and slide it onto the hook...
Fold your batting in half lengthways, then in half widthways.

Make a mark where the middle is and pierce with the tip of your scissors or an awl to make a small hole.  Slide the batting over the wooden hanger.

The next step is to wrap the batting around the hanger as shown in the thread your needle with a long length of cotton thread and roughly tack the batting to the hanger.  The batting will not be seen, so don't be afraid to be long as it is securely attached to the wooden hanger, it is fine.  {Can you spot my old needle...?  I love it so much, I haven't the heart to find another to use!}

Now you need to sew the cover of the hanger...  Pin fabric pieces together, right sides facing and stitch the sides and top, leaving the entire bottom length open.  I used about a 1cm seam allowance all the way around.

Once sewn, fold the length of fabric in half and unpick about 3 stitches in the very middle - this is the hole which you will pull the hook through.  You may want to reverse a few stitches on either side of the hole so as to stop the stitching unravelling...

Turn the cover right way around and using a hot iron, press the seams flat.  Fold about 1cm of the fabric in all the way around the bottom edge - you will slip stitch this area closed once you've placed it on the hanger.


Slide the cover over the wooden hanger gently, pulling it into position.  Pin the bottom edge closed and thread your needle with a length of cotton.

Slip stitch the area closed with neat, even stitches - if need be, fold the edges in a little on either side to form a better more fitted shape if you wish.

Tie a small ribbon bow around the hook of the hanger and use a dab of fabric glue to secure it to the hanger and stop it from sliding off. 
...And there you are...a pretty padded hanger, in all its lovingly handmade glory!


I have added a few pretty padded hangers to my little Etsy shoppe, heartmade, if you'd prefer to purchase them ready made by me...  I love sending special packages to others, and it is a true delight to share what I have such fun making through my shoppe!

If you decide to make a couple of your own, do let me know the outcome in the comments section it makes my day to hear from each of my dear friends, and I warmly welcome any new readers and hope you will be blessed and inspired as you visit with me!

With many blessings on this last beautiful day of February, sweet readers...

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Thursday Pearls


"The most influential of all educational factors is the conversation in a child's home."

~ Sir William Temple

"Lord, I have loved the habitation of thy house, and the place where thine honor dwelleth."  

~ Psalm 26:8

May your Thursday be wonderfully blessed as you strive to bring glory to the Lord's name in your homes today, my friends!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Oh So Delicious Chocochino Puddings

I do not have a very sweet tooth and try to avoid sugary treats where possible...but...every now and then I see no harm in enjoying a delicious something or other that is just a little bit unhealthy and indulgent!

These sweet little chocochino puddings were on the menu for our special Valentine's meal and oh!  Were they ever so good...{{Smiles}}

Although our original idea was to have a delightful picnic birthday/Valentine's celebration, our plans had to be altered somewhat due to unforseen problems with our cars...  But...we still had a wonderful day, and made some sweet memories!

Now...for an incredibly simple recipe...I know you will enjoy indulging in these delicious chocolate puddings...perhaps you have a special occasion coming up and would like to try something new and scrumptious...

Chocochino Puddings...
 {Recipe Courtesy...Ideas Magazine, September 2014...slightly altered} 

15ml freshly brewed strong coffee, cooled
 85g (90ml) soft butter
85g (95ml) castor sugar
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
85g (155ml) self-raising flour, sifted
50g dark chocolate, chopped
30ml cocoa powder, sifted

Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius.  Beat the butter and sugar together until light.  Add the eggs, one at a time.  Add the coffee and beat well.  Fold in the sifted flour and the chocolate.  Divide mixture equally between 6 greased ramekins.  
Bake for about 15 minutes until just don't want to dry the puddings out.
Just before serving, top with a dollop of whipped cream and dust with cocoa powder.
Serve and and...enjoy!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Thursday Pearls


Thank God for dirty dishes;
they have a tale to tell.
While other folks go hungry,
we're eating pretty well.
With home and health and happiness,
we shouldn't want to fuss;
For by this stack of evidence,
God's very good to us.

~ Anonymous

With love on this beautiful Thursday...

 Painting by:  Jessie Wilcox Smith

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

An Update on Baby Brother...

February has arrived, and the excitement of soon meeting our new sibling mounts by the day...
My mother is now 30 weeks along in her pregnancy, and the thrill of watching her stomach twist and jump as our little boy moves around within her is incredible...words cannot express the wonder of it...
Oh, the delight when we will finally see him face to face and behold this beautiful miracle which took nine long months to form in my mother's womb...

May I ask each of you, my Bible~believing readers, to continue to pray for mom...?
The days ahead are expected to become more and more uncomfortable for her as Baby Boy grows, and what with homeschooling little girls and running a large household, she finds each day tiring and challenging...pray for God to give her physical stamina and patience and above

And please pray that our little one will continue to grow in health and that the Lord would bring peace to my mom's heart as she prepares herself for his approaching birth...
 I do know that the Lord has her and this new blessing in His more than capable hands...this is a true comfort!

Of course it will be so wonderful to share a picture of our brother when he makes his grand entrance...{{smiles}}
Now we are thinking of all the things we still need to purchase and do before that wonderful day arrives...all boyish things this time, you know!  And we have a little corner allotted for his cot and changing area...hopefully we can have it ready in time! 

This will be the third baby I will have written about on my blog, Rebekah being the first and then little swiftly time flies...cherishing each moment spent with them deep inside my heart!

With much dear love and thanks...

Monday, February 15, 2016

Sewing Pleasures...

As many of you know, I have been sewing my own peasant tops for about a year now...
This was after I couldn’t find beautiful shirts that were both modest and comfortable…and not to mention fitted me nicely…{{smiles}}

I then began sewing these wonderfully easy and pretty peasant tops, and can now whip one up within an hour or two…all I need is some lovely fabric such as viscose or challis, the latter being my favourite as it is not too thin but still light and airy, and time…

This is one of my more recent peasant tops, but I have another pretty pattern for a similar top which is just a little bit more challenging…I think it will be fun to progress onto something more exciting and different, don't you think...?

Should my next shirt turn out alright, I shall try to share a picture of the finished product with you!  For now, my sister has requested a blouse, so that is to be my next weekend project…{{smiles}}

*When wearing a peasant blouse such as the one I have on in these pictures, I read that one would generally wear it with a pencil skirt or something that is a bit more fitted.

What have you been sewing lately?

Do you enjoy making your own clothing?


With thanks to my sister, Nancy, who played photographer for me today…

Blessings and love,


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Sunday, February 14, 2016


Picture taken on our little road trip, October 2015, when Mom had just found out she was expecting another precious little one...exciting times lie ahead with our baby brother due in April this year...

...My dearest mother a wonderfully happy and blessed birthday!  

Dear Mom...oh, how I love and admire you!  I am so grateful for your beautiful example of Godly womanhood, motherhood, and for your constant guidance, love and support in my life...
Thank you for inspiring me to use my God~given gifts to glorify Him, and for encouraging me to walk the path the Lord has seen fit to give me...
May the Lord bless you abundantly in this next year of your life and may you continue to grow you in grace and are special to many, including me, and I do pray this day - your birthday - will be rich in in joy and love!

~ Your loving daughter...Kelly-Anne

...Her children arise up, and call her blessed..."

~ Proverbs 31:28

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Thursday Pearls, Heart Garlands...And The Giveaway Winner

"Love is a great beautifier..."

~ Louisa May Alcott, author of the beloved story, Little Women

"Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart."  ~ Proverbs 3:3

And now it is time to share the lovely winner of my ''love'' giveaway...with sincerest thanks to each of you for your kind words and for sharing the beautiful ways you show those you love how much you care...

How I would love to gift each of you with something handmade and sweet!  But as I sadly cannot, I will announce the dear winner of this pretty 'love' wall hanging, handmade by my sister...

Congratulations to....

Dearest Bethany...I do hope that every time you glance at this stitched wall hanging you will be reminded to love unconditionally...may it bless you and encourage you to show others that they are special and loved by you and God, our Father!

Oh, and I wanted to show you the sweet heart garlands I had fun making this week...perhaps you've already guessed...I love creating Valentine's inspired things!  {{happy sigh}}.  I think they turned out quite beautifully...  I used double-sided scrapbook paper which gave the garlands some extra colour and cheer!  Have you been busy at your craft table with any Valentine~related crafts...?

Hugs n' love!

"For God so loved the world, that  he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life."  ~ John 3:16, KJV

Painting by:  Daniel Ridgeway Knight

Monday, February 8, 2016

Thoughts on Love...

Loving others is something we all struggle with at some point…these last few months the Lord has been showing me how little grace and love I extend to others…particularly to those whom I don’t quite feel like loving…

As Believers in Christ Jesus, we are called to love others as He first loved us this includes those people who are challenging to love as well as those whom we hold dear to us such as our immediate family…

Whilst I struggle inwardly against what I know to be true, I fail miserably in the Lord’s will for my life…I realise that I need to submit to His plan, embrace those He has brought along my path and pray that His love, mercy and grace would flow through me…

Love is not just a feeling…more often than not it is a choice.  Oh, such a humbling, painful choice it can be!

Thoughts such as, “Why Lord…?  Why do I have to love this person?  I don’t want to!” run through my mind, and yet His still small voice rings loud and clear…love.  Love covers a multitude of sins.

Love is it what makes everything you do worthwhile.

I have subsequently begun reading only the Old King James Bible, and I was surprised to read in 1 Corinthians chapter 13 that no mention of love is made…merely the beautiful, meaningful word, ‘Charity’.

What does charity mean?  I wasn’t sure I wanted to find out…I was secretly hoping that it perhaps didn’t mention 'love' anywhere…but here is the definition I found and the true message was quite clear...
Charity:  1.  The giving of help such as money or food, to those in need.  2.  an organization set up to provide help to those in need.  3.  help given to the need; alms.  4.  a kindly attitude towards people.  5.  love of one's fellow human beings.

I know I cannot love without God…He IS love, and from Him comes love – the pure, true, self-sacrificing love that is almost non-existent in our world. 

It is the love that is unselfish and blind.  I don’t possess such a love, but I do know the source of such a love…I am in search of it; daily crying out to the Lord for Him to give me what I long for…

Realising my weaknesses, I also realise my absolute need for Jesus and how trivial my good works are when love, or rather, charity, is absent.

Such have been my ponderings of late, and they have drawn me closer to the Lord, and continue to humble me greatly…I am nothing in my own right, nor do I have the power to love as He first loved us. 

I am a work in progress, a sinner saved by grace and in awe at Christ’s redeeming love for me…I am determined to seek Him further, and oh!  Why does it hurt so much to be pruned?

The truth is we require frequent pruning…our hearts need to be purged, and we daily need to admit our failings and acknowledge how imperfect we are, and how great the Love of Christ is!

Dear friends, I write this today not to discourage you…but rather to encourage you, as I do myself.  I write this so that I may remember when I am tempted to fall prey to Satan’s lies that I do not need to love anyone that I don’t wish to…

This is not what the Bible clearly instructs us to do as Believers in Christ!

True, it is a daily act of submission, and oh, how disheartening it can be at times! 

But may we not become weary in doing good, nor may we ever become self-righteous which we are often apt to do…

Take heart, be of good courage and love…love with no ulterior motive.

Love is not about what we will gain from it, it is about being obedient to the Lord and becoming the beautiful work of art He intended us to be...
..."But the greatest of these is love..."  ~ Corinthians 13:13


I end with ever so much love in Jesus!  Have a blessed week, dear readers!

 Oh, and before I little ''love'' giveaway is still open to all readers across the globe...if this is your first time visiting Beautiful Girlhood, please don't let that hinder you...the more the merrier, and you are most welcome here!  I happily invite you to stop by this post to join in the giveaway delights, sweet friends...{{smiles}}

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Painting by:  Frederick Morgan