
Thursday, February 18, 2016

Thursday Pearls


Thank God for dirty dishes;
they have a tale to tell.
While other folks go hungry,
we're eating pretty well.
With home and health and happiness,
we shouldn't want to fuss;
For by this stack of evidence,
God's very good to us.

~ Anonymous

With love on this beautiful Thursday...

 Painting by:  Jessie Wilcox Smith


  1. Just beautiful! I have loved this little poem ever since I came across it a couple years back. Thank you for sharing it and for reminding me of these lovely words!

    Hugs and love!

  2. I love this little poem I'm reading for the first time !
    Thank you for sharing it, my lovely friend, may your day be blessed with so much love and with a lot gratitude for the Beauty of your soul I wish you all my best for the day to come, my dearest Kelly-Anne !
    I'm so glad, I've seen in my mail-box that your package is on the way !!!
    Thinking of you

  3. I wonder who the author of such a witty and interesting poem was. Thanks for sharing it! God is, indeed, so good to us, sometimes I'm even ashamed that I cannot give Him more in my prayers. Still, I pray every minute for everything He gave us.
    God bless you and keep you and yours,
    Tiffany Ellie Dane

  4. I do love that poem, haven't heard it in a long time.
    Have a wonderful day,Kelly-Anne.

  5. Hi Kelley-Anne! Hope your Thursday is happy and blessed.

  6. I love the different way of looking at dirty dishes ~ will definitely keep that in mind, beautiful!

    Lauren | Pretty Things & Polka Dots

  7. Ah, yes, this is the only way to look at dishes when one is washing so many of them - hehe! But it's so true that we have so very much to be thankful for, and one is the great blessings of food and provision God has given each of us. Thank for your for short and precious pearl today, sweet friend! Hugs and sending prayers for your dear mom!

  8. Thanks for sharing the poem, Kelly-Anne. I'll think of its message every time I tackle a mountain of dirty dishes!

  9. Dear sweet and thoughtful poem. Praying for your mom.
    Send me your address kiddo...I want to send you your give away.
    Love ya,

  10. Here's my email again for you dear

    I also left you a message on your Etsy, so you can convo me there with your snail mail address if you wish.

    I am going to get that

  11. Amen, and amen! I couldn't agree more! God bless you, sweet Kelly-Anne. :)

  12. So beautiful! xo

  13. What a very sweet poem! The picture is very sweet also!

  14. What a good reminder! :) Have a wonderful weekend Kelly-Anne!

  15. That is a very thought provoking quote! Especially since I don't like washing dishes... :)

  16. This will give me lots of thought whenever I wash dishes... you can always find something in a difficult task to be thankful for! Appreciate your Thursday pearls of wisdom ever so much! :)


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