
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Exciting New Beginnings for heart❤made....

 Hello sweet friends!
I do hope you are having a perfectly lovely and creative Wednesday thus far...?
Today the rain is pouring down and oh my!  The garden is truly enjoying it!
I just mentioned to a sweet blog friend that I can almost ''see'' the plants growing as they drink up
the life~giving water! 

Today I am simply delighted to be sharing some very exciting news with you...
I have been dreaming of opening an Etsy shop for months now...actually since I began thinking of selling my handmade creations which was last year already...

...And finally, with a bit of inspiration from this special blog friend, and some help from another lovely friend, I put my head down and figured it all out...{{smiles}}

And so...heartmade shop is now officially open and each day I am working to add new items...What a delight it is to make something I love, photograph it (one of my favourite parts!) then upload it to Etsy...  Oh, such fun!

Thus, may I invite you to stop by my little Etsy shop...?  It would be an absolute joy to have you visit!  ❤

Here are a few of the items I am stocking my little shop with...

 Teeny weeny bunting... 

 Ellie Softies...


Sweet Rosy Reindeer in lovely colours!
Handmade gift tags...

Little Miss Handbags...


Fabric Bunnies Jointed with Hessian Twine...


...And many more lovely items coming soon! 


I'd also like to thank my very dear friend, Elizabeth from Elizabeth Mary Online, for so kindly creating the above banner for my shop...  Wasn't that very sweet of her...?  
She did a lovely job of capturing heartmade's look!

Thank you for stopping by today, dear readers...

Happy creating!

Monday, September 28, 2015

A Lovely Gift....


My dear mother spotted these lovely serving bowls at the second~hand store the other day and
brought them home as a gift to my sister and I...

Wasn't that so kind of her...? 


...Popping them in my little hope~chest...{{smiles}}

Wishing a truly beautiful new week, deaerst readers...

Saturday, September 26, 2015

How Does My Garden Grow ~ September

Welcome to my Spring garden, dear friends...
Coriander growing beautifully against the fence...with California poppies in the background...

Whilst there is not much to see above the ground at present, I know there is a fair amount of activity happening beneath the surface of the soil and oh!  That makes me so very happy!

Potatoes are poking their green leaves above the soil now...

The Septemeber days have been somewhat cool and often wet with all the rain we've enjoyed lately, but there have been some rather warm days too, which means the little lettuce, Swiss chard, squash and bean seeds are popping up wherever I happen to look!  Such joy!

Ah, this season is truly glorious!
I can work in the garden till teatime without getting sunburnt or too hot, but I know summertime will be upon us before we know it!

Butternut squash about to unfurl it's next set of leaves...

This year we moved our vegetable garden to another area to the side of our house...  This garden is much flatter than our previous one and thus, easier to maintain!
Thankfully, I had help to prepare the soil and put up fences...{{smiles}}

This is where we have planted all our big crops...squash (butternut, gem and courgette), bush beans for drying, potatoes and some lettuce and chard...

Bright pansies grace our flower sister, Nancy, has planted flowers in the various containers she finds..tin pails, tea cups, and even baskets...

There is another little patch to the bottom of our yard that has been fenced in to keep the pesky chickens out, and that is where I have planted all the cucumber plants, beetroot and soon to be tomato and pepper seedlings, once they're big enough...

Swiss chard...  I love having fresh chard in the garden to use whenever I need!  
Of course, I do share it with the chickens, snails and other critters than happen to get there before me...the joys of organic gardening, I'm afraid... 

My role in our family takes on many shapes and forms, and I just love that!
Sometimes I am the head chef, dishwasher...little girl dresser...this makes life interesting!  
But, my main ''job'' is the vegetable garden, and this is a task I love...

Of course it is a lot of work, and I usually devote my Mondays to tending my patch of earth...
We make our own compost and try to garden as organically as we can...
We also have a worm took me a while to come to terms with the keeping of earthworms as ''pets''...{{smiles}}

These California poppues seeded themselves after I planted one or two plabts last year...they add such colour and beauty to the garden!

Each year I have very high expectations of the variety of crops I want to grow...but this season, I am not setting unattainable goals...being very busy with my little business means I can't spend all my free time pulling weeds!

 Beetroot seedlings...

 Thus, I have chosen only a few crops so that I can keep a hand on them...
Do follow my gardening journey this season in How Does my Garden Grow, which I hope to share each month!

Albenga bush beans...  Last season I grew some beans and left them on the bushes to dry before harvesting...  
We all agreed that we had to plant more this season as the flavour and texture of homegrown beans is just so much cannot compare...

  And do feel welcome to share how your garden is faring, as well as any helpful hints and tips!
I don't know how many of my sweet readers are green-fingered as well, but I look forward to taking you on a tour of my little garden each month in the hopes of inspring you...and inspiring me!  {{smiles}}

Now...  How does your garden grow, lovely friends...?

And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden and there he put the man whom he had formed.”

- Genesis 2:8

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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Thursday Pearls

"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet.
Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul
be strengthened, ambition inspired and success achieved."

~ Helen Keller

"And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm. strengthen and establish you."

~ 1 Peter 5:10

Blessings on this beautiful Thursday, dear friends...

Painting by the very talented:  Lise Auger

Monday, September 21, 2015

Something Blue for a Sweet Friend...

One of my favourite ways to spend a quiet afternoon is doing simple embroidery...❤

 I love how something so simple such as embroidery thread and a needle can create such loveliness with just a little time and love...

A sweet young lady whom we met about year ago and have become friends with, is celebrating her seventeenth birthday this coming Thursday, and I thought a patchwork cushion with embroidery would make a special birthday gift for her...


Her favourite colour is blue, and I had a delightful time selecting different shades of blue fabric and combining them in a simple patchwork design...

Miss J loves butterflies, so once I had completed the patchwork, I drew a simple butterfly and flower design onto the cushion front and then stitched over the pencil in different shades of blue embroidery cotton...  
I also added two blue beads to the butterfly's antenna...

My sweet sister, Nancy, crocheted three little flowers for me {I can't crochet...not yet anyway!}; white, turquoise and and light blue and I added a teeny button to each one...

After I had done all the stitching and embellishing {which is the best part!}, I sewed a beautiful piece of coordinating blue fabric to the cushion cover, turned it right way round and filled it...

Oh, I had a delightful time sewing this lovely cushion, and I prefer this shape to my usual embroidered cushions...  

I hope my dear friend will like it too!  {{Smiles}}

Do you enjoy embroidery, my sweet friends...?

May your Monday be wonderfully blessed!  Thank you for so sweetly stopping always brings a smile to my face when I receive your lovely comments!  ❤

 Do stop by and visit Beautiful Girlhood on Facebook and Pinterest!

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Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thursday Pearls

"Gracious living is felt whether it is created in small or big ways."
"Give her the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates."

~ Proverbs 31:31

Have a delightful Thursday, sweet readers...  

Painting by George Dunlop Leslie

Monday, September 14, 2015

Thoughts on Letter Writing...

"Writing letters is the purest form of friendship

we humans can possibly express.

We capture ourselves in a moment,

and then we give that moment away to someone else."

 ~ Anonymous

Letter writing is a something I take great pleasure in! 
Thus, you can imagine my disappointment when I asked where I would find the writing paper in the store the other day and the lady replied that they no longer stocked writing paper...   
"No one writes these days..."  She said.  How very sad...

In days gone by, letters were the only means of communication, now we have the blessing of not only talking on our phones and texting, we have the internet which allows us to email and message in merely a matter of seconds!

Oh, I do love the is a true blessing and I have made the most precious, thoughtful friends through blogging...  How lovely it is to type an email and know it will be read just a little while later and perhaps even replied to on the very same day...

However, it saddens my heart to see how folks these days are out of touch with many of the beautiful, simple practices of old such as letter writing...
Writing letters is an art, and presentation is just as important as the contents of a letter, in my humble opinion...

 I realise that many of us don't have too much time for writing long letters by hand, but might I encourage you to set aside a little time every so often and put a bit of love on paper, decorate with some pretty goodies from your collection and seal it in a lovely envelope to bless someone's day...?

It is delightful to discover a handwritten letter in the mailbox in amongst bills and such, and just imagine the smile your sweet note will put on another's face!
Writing letters is a beautiful way to minister to others and share the love of Christ as well...

I have a few very dear friends whom I write to quite regularly, and who write back!   
Some I have never even met before...  This is oh, so very special...  

Isn't it wonderful that a simple thing such as a handwritten letter, can bring such joy...?

Thank you for stopping by today, my sweet friends...I am always touched by your kind visits!

~ Many blessings on your Monday! ~

 Do stop by and visit Beautiful Girlhood on Facebook and Pinterest!

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Thursday, September 10, 2015

Thursday Pearls

"Your life is short, your duties many, your assistance great, and reward sure; therefore faint not, hold on and hold up in ways of well-doing, and heaven shall make amends for all."

~ Thomas Brooks 

"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith, henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day..."

~ 2 Timothy 4:7-8

Praying your Thursday is beautiful and blessed, my sweet friends...  I hope your heart was encouraged and refreshed today...


Painting by Melinda Byers

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Precious Baby Gift Making...

Aww!  Who can resist a chubby babe, so precious and new...? 
I love hearing of a momma expecting her first, second, or even sixth baby...

It is a joy indeed to create something lovely and special for the new one,
and I was blessed to have the opportunity of working with pretty girly fabric and
my sewing machine this week...

 As it is always exciting trying something new, I decided to attempt a fabric covered 
hanger and pretty little bag and matching heart...

Nancy, who loves crochet, agreed to crochet a lovely lacey edge for the bag and also made a pretty length of chain stitch to tie as a ribbon around the hook of the hanger...

My dear mother got out her knitting needles and made this adorable baby beanie from gorgeous soft baby pink wool...she added a crocheted flower and a cute button...

Mom also decided to try make baby mittens...she lined them with the same fabric I used for the hanger so as to create a sweet set of goodies!  So fluffy and sweet...

Of course I just had to make a card!  {{Smiles}}  How I love pearls, pink and...buttons! 

...And then Nancy and I had fun wrapping the gift...we went with a similar idea to this one, but stamped pink hearts on the kraft paper box and tied a broad pink ribbon around the box, adding a little tag...

And what gift would be complete without lace...

  Do pop by again, sweet friends...I have a little tutorial planned for sometime soon...would like to know how I created this padded fabric hanger...?  
It was a delight to fact, I made a few more for my sisters!  {{Smiles}}

~ Blessings on your Wednesday, friends! ~

 Do stop by and visit Beautiful Girlhood on Facebook and Pinterest!

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