
Thursday, September 24, 2015

Thursday Pearls

"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet.
Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul
be strengthened, ambition inspired and success achieved."

~ Helen Keller

"And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm. strengthen and establish you."

~ 1 Peter 5:10

Blessings on this beautiful Thursday, dear friends...

Painting by the very talented:  Lise Auger


  1. What a pretty picture and quote.
    Have a wonderful day and end of the week.

  2. Be blessed, darling Kelly-Anne
    your pearls are truly so very precious !

    With dear love and hugs


  3. Oh, I absolutely love that quote! Helen Keller was always one of the ladies that I did my book reports on when I was in school, and what wonderful things she had to say! I just love reading quotes from her :) And this one is particularly beautiful- thank you so much for sharing it today!!

    Hope you have a beautiful rest of the week! Sending much love and many hugs your way <3

  4. Dear Kelly-Anne,
    Love your Thursday Pearls. This is a beautiful graphic and I love the quote by Helen Keller and the Scripture is a beautiful promise. Thank you for sharing.
    Blessings and Joys to you my friend.
    Hugs, cm

  5. Oh Kelly-Anne, Helen Keller's statement is so true.
    Life is what builds our character. There are so many things that we will go through in this life, and it is the choices we make that mold us into who we are.
    Keeping our eyes on Christ and allowing Him to grace our lives through everything will create in us a beauty that glorifies Him, and makes us beautiful.
    Beautiful in Christ, that is my hearts desire.

    Bless you~ Debbie

  6. Dear one, I love your Thursday Pearls. These posts always makes me pause and just let the message settle in for a bit. We do have those seasons of suffering at times, but it is comforting to remember that that we can come through those times restored and and strengthened. It has also been my experience that God often uses our suffering to be able to understand and comfort someone else's pain down the the road.
    Thanks for your post.

  7. This is a good pearl for today. Thanks! ~Lisa

  8. Hi Kelly-Anne,
    As always, a lovely Thursday Pearls post complete with a beautiful quote, a little bit of Scripture and a very lovely graphic. Your graphics always go so well with your words of wisdom! I enjoy these moments of quiet reflection with you!

  9. Yes, is through the difficult things of life that we learn the real things. Hugs, Camille

  10. Oh, sweet Kelly-Anne, what a precious Thursday Pearls post! It's so very true that we are strengthened and refined through the "fires" of trials and suffering, and may we continue to endure and shine His light...through it all...and then into His presence be made whole. Praise God for this precious Scripture and for Helen Keller's quote. She truly knew great suffering and yet glorified Him! Hugs, sweet friend, and thanks for sharing this wonderful post with the beautiful painting!


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