
Monday, September 14, 2015

Thoughts on Letter Writing...

"Writing letters is the purest form of friendship

we humans can possibly express.

We capture ourselves in a moment,

and then we give that moment away to someone else."

 ~ Anonymous

Letter writing is a something I take great pleasure in! 
Thus, you can imagine my disappointment when I asked where I would find the writing paper in the store the other day and the lady replied that they no longer stocked writing paper...   
"No one writes these days..."  She said.  How very sad...

In days gone by, letters were the only means of communication, now we have the blessing of not only talking on our phones and texting, we have the internet which allows us to email and message in merely a matter of seconds!

Oh, I do love the is a true blessing and I have made the most precious, thoughtful friends through blogging...  How lovely it is to type an email and know it will be read just a little while later and perhaps even replied to on the very same day...

However, it saddens my heart to see how folks these days are out of touch with many of the beautiful, simple practices of old such as letter writing...
Writing letters is an art, and presentation is just as important as the contents of a letter, in my humble opinion...

 I realise that many of us don't have too much time for writing long letters by hand, but might I encourage you to set aside a little time every so often and put a bit of love on paper, decorate with some pretty goodies from your collection and seal it in a lovely envelope to bless someone's day...?

It is delightful to discover a handwritten letter in the mailbox in amongst bills and such, and just imagine the smile your sweet note will put on another's face!
Writing letters is a beautiful way to minister to others and share the love of Christ as well...

I have a few very dear friends whom I write to quite regularly, and who write back!   
Some I have never even met before...  This is oh, so very special...  

Isn't it wonderful that a simple thing such as a handwritten letter, can bring such joy...?

Thank you for stopping by today, my sweet friends...I am always touched by your kind visits!

~ Many blessings on your Monday! ~

 Do stop by and visit Beautiful Girlhood on Facebook and Pinterest!

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  1. Letter writing I think was truly an art, but today we're looking for the fastest way possible to do everything during our days, I also think it to be quite sad that such a lovely thing has been lost ... letter could be preserved and read even century after having been written, most of all we know about famous people of the last century and even before, we do know thanks to these sheets of papers yellowed by the time but so fascinating ... I write it with a little bit of melancholy, of our e-mails and blogs nothing will remain I'm afraid... alas !

    Have a most beautiful and blessed new week, my dear one,
    with dear love


  2. I have come to realize that there are many of us out there that love to receive snail mail but sadly hardly take the time to send any. This is a wonderful idea. I love pretty stationary. Thanks for sharing sweet Kelly-Anne. Happy and Blessed Monday.


  3. So beautifully written, dear Kelly-Anne, and very very true.
    I too love the old ways of letter writing as it allows one the time to really reflect and pen onto paper what the heart is wanting to say.
    I think of my dear late mother-in-law, oh could she write a wonderful letter. When I would sit and read her letters I would first make myself a cup of tea then relax to enjoy the reading time for it was like I was sitting in her presence having a cup of tea and visiting with her. She wrote as if she was truly visiting with you about life.

    I actually have an old worn out letter from her in my cook book ~ you see ~ I had asked her for her peach pie recipe 30 years ago, and it was in a letter that I received that recipe. This is how cute she was...As she was writing, she began to share about the affairs of life back then when she stopped in the middle of the letter and said, "oh my, you asked for the peach pie recipe and here I am rambling on. I had better give that to you right now before I forget." So right in the middle of the letter she writes out the recipe and shares it as if I was sitting right there. Pure joy that letter was and I will cherish it for all my days.

    Computers are nice, but oh the joy when you receive a letter/card in the mail box. :)

    Sweet post, Kelly-Anne.
    Blessings ~ Debbie

  4. You know, even though I don't do much letter writing, I have always been drawn to lovely stationery. It is most definitely a lost art. There is just something about seeing the unique handwriting of the person you are communicating with. Finding old letters from someone just blesses my heart! Thanks for this reminder...maybe it will actually remind me to send someone a hand-written letter soon! Have a blessed week!

  5. I love love love writing letters!!!!!! I like emailing too, but there's something special about writing and receiving letters in the mail. :) I have a couple pen pals, one of whom I've never met either, except through pictures and google chat. :) (But we don't do that very often.)
    I'm glad you like to write too, for it's so much fun. :D
    Love in Christ,
    ps. Thank you for your sweet little email. I enjoyed reading it. :D

  6. It's said that letter writing has become a lost art! When I was younger (and had wayyyyy to much time on my hands), I used to send snail mail to my friends all the time. More recently, I participated in "Post Pals" and sent two seriously ill children who live in the UK cards. I figured that it'll be fun for them to receive mail from overseas!

  7. Hello Kelly-Anne! If you send me your address I'd love to write to you sometime.:) I love writing letters but it seems that it is indeed a thing of the past. If you send your address my email is: .
    You don't have to publish this comment.:)

  8. You have a very good point here, Kelly-Anne, but then I do think the Internet and emailing are blessings (certainly you have blessd me with some lovely ones!) like you say. Sometimes I get round to writing an email, where the letter writing might not get done!
    However, I do think it is a really lovely thing to do and it is sad that fewer people are keen to write a beautiful letter.

    Letter writing is almost an art form, it shows a certain unselfishness as you have think of what the other person would like to read..I love the quote at the top of your post, too - you are giving a little part of yourself in good letter.

    You are a great correspondent in whatever form, dear Kelly-Anne, that's for sure!

  9. At one time, I too enjoyed writing letters. I don't do much of it anymore. I need to do better.

  10. A very beautiful and well written post Kerry-Anne. There is so much truth in your words sweet friend. We have lost the romance and personal touch of the hand writing note.

    I for one have to admit that I have not written a letter in years. No one that I know would take the time to do so and that is very sad when I come to think of it. I do however send thank you notes often but it is a lost art.

    Thank you for reminding us of the importance of the hand written note.

    Wishing you a lovely week.


  11. I used to love writing letters, too and I truly do miss it. This was a great post and it makes me want to send out a few letters of my own... :)

  12. I completely and wholeheartedly agree!!! I love to find a sweet note of remembrance tucked in amongst our other mail!! I miss the old days, too...I think you and I were born way past our time. :) LOL! But, I know God doesn't make mistakes, and we were all brought to the Kingdom, for such a time as this. So, we will just have to do our part to keep the old-fashioned alive and keep living it out, in spite of what the world around us demands us to change! :) You are so precious, and it is always such a dear joy to visit here. God bless you, dear friend.

  13. I adore letter writing. Some of the ladies in my tea group started a Pen Pal group last year. It is so fun to get a letter in the mail box. I have been so terrible about keeping up with it over the summer. Your sweet post reminded me to get our my stationery and get writing! i love pretty writing paper and look for it when I'm estate saling. I am happy to know that you enjoy letter more thing to like about you!

  14. Oh dear Kelly-Anne, how true this is! My husband and I were just talking the other day about handwritten letters, and how few of them are ever sent any longer. I do make my own stamped cards, and send those out with handwritten messages, but if I do write a letter, usually it is typed (since I type much faster than writing by hand, lol) but as my husband and I were talking, it was sad to acknowledge that so much history is being lost, as everything now is digital, with no paper copies anywhere. A very timely and beautiful reminder of how precious it is to see the thoughts of someone handwritten to hold in your hands forever. I will make a greater effort in the future to correspond with hand written notes. Bless you dear Kelly-Anne! :)

  15. A lost art, indeed, Kelly Anne but how wonderful that you and several friends still enjoy letter writing! I must admit that it is something I should try to do more frequently especially to encourage missionaries away from home.
    Thank you for sharing a blessed sentiment!
    Have a lovely week !

  16. This is a great post, my friend! :) It is really special to receive a letter or card in the mail. Shamefully, I haven't written a letter in a long while (excepting postcards), though I had a few pen-pals when I was a child and young teen. Perhaps it's time to write someone?

  17. You're so right, Kelly-Anne, letter writing is such an art! Don't we all love to receive a hand written letter in the mail? Thank you for making us aware of the beauty of writing a letter for someone special in our lives.

  18. I forgot to tell you that I write a letter to each of my grandchildren on their birthday. I jot down things during the year that they're said or done and then I share them in a letter. I hope that they appreciate them someday.

  19. Thank you for this Kelly-Anne. I just hand wrote a card yesterday to a young woman I know away at college. She is far from her family and a little homesick. Her sister told us her mailbox was empty. Getting real mail is quite exciting. Thanks for the encouragement. ~ Abby

  20. Ah, yes, Kelly-Anne, very sadly letter writing and handwriting in general is fading very sad. I absolutely LOVE to receive a card with a handwritten note, and I've even touched it knowing the person has touched it with love (and on occasion even kissed it). What a precious reminder for me, as today I am writing notes and also sending out more devotionals. May we always try to write notes...they are cherished by many for a long time! And I love the artwork! Hugs, sweet friend!

  21. I share the same sentiments about letter writing and have a lovely stash of stationary! Thank you for sharing such a sweet post with us! :)

  22. This is so true Kelly-Anne. I love to write real letters and include little surprises in the envelope. More time is taken and thoughts dance across the pages. I have so many of my Grandparents letters that they received over the years and the writing and words are a delight to read. Emails are lovely to receive but in this 'delete' culture, there is nothing for the decades following to look back. xx

  23. SUch a beautiful post, my friend. I share the same sentiments and have even shared a few posts on my blog in the past about the joy and art of letter writing. There is something sweet and special about a handwritten letter. Thank you for sharing this wonderful post with Roses of Inspiration. Have a lovely week! Hugs!

  24. Cheryl gave your link to read your thougths, glad she did!! Your are so right, Getting a note in the mail is SO encouraging! So sad that many have forgotten about sending a handwritten note. I have precious letters that I have kept over the years. Thank you for sharing your heart, so encouraging!! Blessing :)

  25. From the time I was in kindergarten, where we handmade each other Valentine's and put them in our little paper mailboxes I have been in love with letting writing and receiving mail. It is part of the reason I started to make cards. I love to send and receive mail and alas, it is becoming a lost art. Nowadays it is all the rage to send a text that looks like a drunken squirrel wrote it: Wot R U up 2? Goodness, where is the fun in that?!


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