
About Kelly-Anne

Welcome!  I am delighted you have paid me the honour of a visit today! 
My name is Kelly-Anne, and I am a eighteen year old daughter of the Most High King; saved by His grace and captured by His love.
It is my ambition to lead a life that would bring glory and honour to His wondrous name, and testify to His amazing goodness.

I am a big sister to five sweet girls, happily home-educated and enjoying my life as a homemaker-in training and stay-at-home daughter.
Every day brings about new challenges for me to conquer and new situations in which I may grow in my walk with the Lord...  I believe He is preparing me, just as He is preparing every young woman determined to serving Him in her girlhood years, for something more beautiful than I could ever hope to imagine...

My vision through this blog is to encourage my fellow sisters in Christ to a closer walk with the Lord.
I long to see Biblical womanhood restored and young women embrace the unique plans the Lord has for their lives.

And now you may like to know a few things about me...

I collect vintage teacups and saucers and simply cannot resist drinking tea in any of them.
I love any excuse to dress-up, bake a cake, have a picnic or throw a tea party.
I love writing.  Besides writing on my blog, I enjoy sending and receiving handwritten letters by post to dear friends.
I love stitching – embroidery, cross-stitch, sewing, and knitting are just a few simple ways in which I spend my leisure time.
Music is a beautiful blessing in my life ~ presently I am learning piano and treble recorder whilst my sister, Nancy, plays violin.  We love to play together and to listen to classical music.
I love beautiful things:  photographs, fabric, patterned paper and flowers are just a couple lovely things which inspire me daily...
I am passionate about gourmet cooking and mastering the art of baking –I spend many pleasurable and happy hours in the kitchen creating and working with new recipes.
My favourite and most treasured stories from childhood include Little Women, What Katy Did, Anne of Green Gables and Heidi.
I enjoy cardmaking and papercraft...
I believe ladies should dress modestly yet femininely, so I do my utmost to live up to this standard.  Sometimes I make my own clothing so as I may dress in a way that I like.
Miss Jane Austen is a dearly loved author of mine and I love to watch the movies of her works over and over again...
...And most of all, I love my heavenly Father more than anything else on this earth and His Word is my greatest treasure. I give Him all the praise for the blessings I have received!

Now do make yourself right at home!  I pray you are both challenged and inspired by what you read here ~ to God be all the glory!



  1. Simply wonderful to know about you. Loved this page, and how you wrote it. :)
    Tane ♥

  2. Hello Kelly-Anne! I have just discovered your blog and am enjoying looking over it! We have a lot of thing in common; Jane Austen, writing and receiving letters, card making, but most of all a love for Jesus Christ! Please come check out my blog and follow!
    In Christ,

  3. Hello I'm new to your blog :D It's really really pretty!

  4. We sound so much alike! Including the collecting of teacups! I think I just found a new blogging buddy :)

  5. What a joy to read your story, Kelly-Anne !!
    I've been looking around a bit on your blog. I love it !
    So wonderful to see how you love the Lord and what a blessing you must be in your family.
    I'm following you now.

    Wilma. Shabby Royale.

  6. It is so awesome to find someone just like me:-) I pray that the Lord will be with you always!


  7. Love your blog! It's adorable!! :)

  8. Hello, Kelly-Anne! I just discovered you blog and love it! It is quite lovely. I really enjoyed reading you Thursday Pearls. They were very encouraging to me today. They came just at the right time!
    I enjoyed reading your profile, too. It is nice to know there are other girls out there striving to be feminine and Christ-centered! Plus, I am a Jane Austen, cooking, sewing, crafts, etc. fan, too!
    God bless you
    Marie Philomena


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