
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Super Special Sister Time ~ Ideas and our First Meeting…

 As I have prayed and sought the Lord on our SuperSpecial Sister Time weekly meetings, He has shown me a wonderful way to incorporate a lesson into our special times and keep our focus on Him…

Super Special Sister Time is a sweet part of our week is so special and memorable…

Here is a basic outline of what it is I hope to achieve with them each week…

Enjoy a delicious treat together – either we’ve baked or prepared it earlier in the day, or there are still homemade munchies in the house to have with tea…

During our tea break we have a short discussion about what we are learning about on that day – more on this a bit later...  I also include Bible reading and opportunities to ask questions, etc.

After our yummy treat, we begin our activity or craft for the day – we love crafting in our house, so I intend to gather the goodies for a craft project at least every second week.
Every other week we will either go out on a sister date, watch a movie at home or do hair and nails…  If you have any other ideas, please feel welcome to share in the comments!

I also want them to keep a simple scrapbook of our meetings…  Each week I set them a goal and ask that they share about it in our next meeting and then either draw a picture or write about in their scrapbook.
Along the way I will print out photographs of the lovely things we’ve done for them to paste in their books as a memento.

While we work on our craft, I play uplifting music – either instrumental or Christian…we don’t really listen to too much other music in our home apart from Celtic Women every so often.  This encourages us to dwell on all good things and the power of the Lord God!

We wrap up our special time by praying – Both the girls are encouraged to also pray, not just for their family, but for others in need…  The power of prayer is something I am learning so much about lately and how we as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ should be praying for the unreached people of the world as well as the persecuted Christians in different countries!  It is crucially important and how wonderful to pray with my younger sisters!

I earnestly pray for the souls of each of my sisters and strive to set them a good example of  a Godly young woman, but I also want to speak to them and encourage them to seek the Lord and hold fast to Him throughout their lives, particularly during their girlhood years…

I would like to take this opportunity to encourage any of you who perhaps don’t have any younger sisters, to pray about gathering a few young girls in your community who would greatly benefit from a weekly gathering like that I am doing with my sisters…

‘Adopt’ these girls as your sisters and minister to them and encourage them to be Godly girls with beautiful hearts!  You don’t just have to be an older sister to have special times like ours!  And what an incredible blessing to be able to reach out to other girls who need the example and encouragement of a young woman who loves Christ and is dedicated to serving Him in her single years!

In case you’re wondering, the program I am currently working through with my sisters is a lovely eBook called ‘Balcony Girls’which we purchased along with ‘The Ultimate Homemaking eBundle’ back in 2013.  This book includes eight chapters, each concentrating on one virtue…
You can purchase this eBook here.

This week we learnt about being a girl who is caring…

“A Balcony Girl has a caring spirit and is concerned about others, looking out for

them, and often putting others before herself!”  - Balcony Girls by Sandy Coughlin

It just so happened that I intended to spend the morning making cards for Moriah’s beautiful card challenge…

What a blessing to explain to the girls that by making cards for these orphan children, we are not only spreading the love of Christ, but caring for them in a small way!  Jesus expects this of us and how wonderful to know that He is smiling down, satisfied that His children are embracing the orphans and reaching the lost – in this small way, you can bless others.  What a beautiful thought!

Thus, our first Super Special Sister Time meeting was a lovely success and we look forward to many more in the future!  And isn’t it amazing that when we give, so we receive…?  I feel incredibly blessed and loved just by loving others and giving of myself!

Be encouraged, friends!  Give of yourself for Christ and be blessed!
Don't miss out - my Valentine's Giveaway ends on the 6th of February, so do hop over to this post and enter to win a lovely handmade patchwork heart with a cross stitch motif to grace your home!

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Roses of Inspiration
The Art of Homemaking Mondays
Modest Mom Mondays
Wise Woman Link Up


  1. My heart is warmed by your precious post, my friend. It is such a joy and blessing to see you investing your time and love in the lives of your sisters. It truly is a gift to give of yourself, isn't it? :)

    May you continue to serve the Lord in this area of your life and may you continue to be a shining light. Love to you, my friend!

  2. Wonderful post and such a blessing to your sisters.

  3. Thank you dear ladies! It is such a joy to invest in precious relationships! Hugs, Kelly

  4. What a great idea! My girls would love to do a special meeting like this that you've posted. Thanks for sharing!

  5. What a wonderful idea! My daughter and I do something like this together also and keep a list of things we want to do when we think of it, that way we don't waste our time together "wondering" what we should do! She likes to do bath and body DIYs, crafting, sewing, embroidering, reading together... so of course, that all sounds like fun to me too!


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