
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

How to Make ~ Simple Valentine’s Cards…


I may not celebrate Valentine’s Day romantically, but I do love to make cards and special treats to show the people I love how much I care… 
Those people just happen to be my dear family… 
I know that one amazing day the Lord will weave together a beautiful love story for me and until then, I am more than content to bless the precious family I have been given and make their day special…
And did I tell you that my lovely mother celebrates her birthday on the Day of Love as well…?

This year my two sweet younger sisters and I spent a morning making cards for this wonderful challenge
We had such a memorable time together, tearing little bits of pretty paper and creating these cards to send to the orphan children of Uganda…  You can read more about our special time together here.
I thought I would show you how we made these simple yet very effective cards using scraps of scrapbook paper…

All you will need is a glue stick, a sheet of thick white paper or cardstock, scraps of pretty patterned paper in pinks and reds, scissors, brown kraft paper card bases and a heart template of your choice.

Simply tear off small pieces of paper and paste them on the thick paper, overlapping the edges to create a collage…
Once you have covered a page, use the heart template to trace and cut out heart shapes – use different sizes if you so desire.  Now paste the heart(s) to the card base, taking care to centre it…
Write a little message inside the card in an elegant hand and bring a smile to someone special! 

Don't miss out - my Valentine'sGiveaway ends on the 6th of February so do hop over to this post and enter to win a lovely handmade patchwork heart with a cross stitch motif to grace your home!

Blessings on your Wednesday!
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  1. Love your paper patchwork Valentines! How creative and lovely a result from something so simple. Thanks for nice to meet you!

    1. Thank you for your sweet visit, Ruth! Hugs to you!

  2. Sweet Kelly-Anne, you have created such a beautiful and unique heart card! I love, love, love the look of your heart and will have to make some cards to give to friends and family.

    Thank you for inspiring me and thank you for sharing at Roses of Inspiration. Love to you!

  3. This is so pretty and clever! :D I have lots of scrapbook paper, and now I have a new idea of what to do with it.

  4. Those are lovely! This would be so nice to send to my mom! Thanks for sharing.

  5. What a sweet idea for cards! (Have I fallen behind on my reading?)

    1. Always a joy to have you visit dear Bethany! Thank you for your sweet comment:)

  6. Hi Kelly,

    Such a sweet idea.. A collage heart.. Looks beautiful and how the children will enjoy!! Im visiting from Stephanie's link up. I also visited the link you've given and found Crista sharing her burden for the lost. It sure is a privilege to be a part of that card sending initiative. Hope I too can be a part of this wonderful mission.

    1. Hello Sarah!
      I am so delighted to have you stop by from Stephanie's lovely link party! What a privilege to meet another sister in Christ in this wonderful little blogging world!
      Oh! I do hope you participate in sweet Moriah's card challenge - I have been so touched with her heart for the precious children of Uganda and I feel richly blessed to be able to join in!
      Off to visit your spot on the web now!
      Please visit again soon:). Hugs, Kelly-Anne


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