
Thursday, August 20, 2015

Thoughtful Thursday

You are never too old to set another
goal or to dream a new dream.”

~ C.S. Lewis

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven." 

~ Ecclesiastes 3:1

Have a wonderfully blessed Thursday, my sweet friends!


  1. A great reminder! Thanks for sharing Kelly-Anne!

  2. My dearest Kelly-Anne, your words truly bless my soul, and the image you've posted is a joy for my eyes, I wholeheartedly thank you, my sweet friend !
    Thank you so much, you've made my afternoon with this post of yours.

    Have a most wonderful day,

    with dear love


  3. Yes Kelly-Anne,
    So true though every once in a while we can all use a gentle reminder! Thanks for reminding me! Have a lovely day!

  4. What a delightful thought :) Yes, I agree. Love and hugs to you, lovely friend!

  5. I love this so much! And how encouraging it was to me this particular day :) Thank you for sharing another lovely quote with us!!

    Hope you're having a wonderful week! Sending many hugs and blessings your way!!

  6. So true sweet true :0) Thank you Dear One for the beautiful quote and the photo. Have a blessed Friday... mari

  7. What a nice though Kelly.

    I hope you have a cheery day.

    Ps. I'm having a Scripture giveaway-just thought I'd let you know. :D

  8. This is so very true, Kelly-Anne. And there is a purpose to every season of our lives, no matter our age, as long as we continue to look to Him for purpose. I so love C. S. Lewis quotes, and this is a very special one! Hugs, dear friend!

  9. Hello Dear Kelly...
    I was just thinking that you will have to be changing your title on your header soon! Maybe to Beautiful Womanhood... You are no longer a child!
    You are so very gracious and you have been trained well!
    Much Love and a Big Hug!
    Yours, Roxy

  10. What a beautiful picture. I love all the pretty flowers in that hat, too. I also agree with the quote you shared. Learning something new keeps us young.

    Have a lovely weekend Kelly-Anne... :)

  11. Sigh...This was just lovely, Kelly-Anne.
    I especially loved your image.

    Bless you~ Debbie


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