
Thursday, June 11, 2015

Thoughtful Thursday

"Remember He is the artist and you are only the picture.
You can't see it.  So quietly submit to be painted - i.e., keep 
fufilling all the obvious duties of your station (you really know quite well enough what they are!), asking forgiveness for each failure and then leaving it alone.
You are in the right way.
Walk - don't keep looking at it."

- C.S. Lewis

I pray your heart was encouraged
May each of you have a very blessed Thursday!

~ Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.  James 4:8 ~


  1. Pretty flower, Kelly-Anne! Thanks for the encouragement and may your day be blessed also.

  2. Beautiful words and photo! I wish I lived close enough for you to teach me how to use my new camera. It came earlier in the week and I am quite intimidated by it. Good thing I ordered a book to help me figure it all out. I've only used a point and shoot so I have a lot to learn. By the way, what is that lovely flower called? Have a blessed and delightful day.

    Hugs, Vicky

  3. What a beautiful photo to go along with a very uplifting quote from CS Lewis....Your writings are a blessing to me.
    Have a lovely day dear Kelly-Anne.
    Hugs from Shirley in Virginia

  4. Beautiful :0) mari

  5. Oh this is so beautiful, both image and in word... these are great words to live by! I hope you are having a wonderful day!

  6. Wow- that is an amazing quote! And the photo is quite lovely as well :) Thank you for sharing that today- I'm going to copy that down and keep it for reference. It's that great!! Hoping the rest of your week is lovely and blessed! Sending you love and blessings <3

  7. Beautiful image and refreshing words, dear friend. Thank you so much for the encouragement. Enjoy the upcoming weekend! Much love to you!

  8. Oh, Kelly-Anne, I so love C. S. Lewis, and this is a most wonderful quote with such great wisdom. I love it, precious friend, and I love this beautiful flower! May we each quietly and peacefully do what God calls us to do and submit to Him! Hugs, dear friend!

  9. "Keep fulfilling all the obvious duties of you station"
    Oh I love that...I pray that's what I will practice in my life.
    As always thanks for sharing something lovely with us ladies♥

  10. What an amazing picture of the flower! And I dearly love that quote of CS Lewis! Continue to do what we know is right, even if we can't see all the details, or know why... just keep going. Beautiful perspective! May the Lord continue to bless you and keep you in all you do :) Many hugs sent halfway around the world to you :)

  11. This was very encouraging - thank you Kelly-Anne for sharing!


  12. C.S. Lewis always had beautiful words to say! Sure enjoyed the post, have a great week-end!

  13. Hi Kelly-Anne, this is a beautiful post. Love your photo and the encouragement here. Thanks for sharing.
    Be Blessed. Hugs, CM

  14. Your photographs are amazing! What an amazing landscape. I really love that black and white tunnel photo. It should be hung on a wall. Thank you so much for visiting me, Kelly-Anne. You are so talented. xoox Su


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