
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Glorious Garden ~ Blessings and Encouragement for the Gardener

Oh, the delights of the garden are gloriously rich indeed!  

Surely nothing is quite as thrilling or delightful as stepping out into the garden and gathering luscious lettuce leaves, still moist with dew, or picking bunches of vibrant green and purple basil, fresher than fresh and bursting with flavour…?

...The pungent aroma of different herbs wafting through the air; the buzzing of bees in their never-ending quest for nourishment, and the delicate flitting about of beautiful butterflies to dainty flowers...what could bring more sunshine to the soul?

The garden, boasting its glorious green and brown hues with splashes of yellow, purple and pink dotted here and there, brings so much pleasure and satisfaction to the diligent tender of the soil and worker of the earth…

The garden is a resting place and an eating place – a place to find both contentment and pleasure!

To the gardener, it is the place where he earns his bread by the sweat of his brow and where he feels closest to his creator, the Great Gardener – the Lord of all the earth!

 “A garden is a grand teacher.  It teaches patience and careful watchfulness; it teaches industry and thrift; above all it teaches entire trust."

Gertrude Jekyll

“My garden is my most beautiful masterpiece.”

Claude Monet


“Build houses and settle down; plant gardens and eat what they produce.”   

Jeremiah 29:5

“And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden and there he put the man whom he had formed.” 

Genesis 2:8


 "No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth, and no culture comparable to that that of the garden."

Thomas Jefferson


"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven..."  

Ecclesiastes 3:1

"You can bury a lot of troubles digging in the dirt."  

Author Unknown

"The greatest fine art of the future will be the making of a comfortable living from a small piece of land."  

Abraham Lincoln

"It is a golden maxim to cultivate the garden for the nose, and the eyes will take care of themselves."  

Robert Loius Stevenson

"...A time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted..."  

Ecclesiastes 3:2

 “However many years she lived, Mary always felt that she should never forget that first morning when her garden began to grow.”

Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden

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  1. Thank you for sharing such lovely photos and for commenting on my blog. Couldn´t reply privately as your mail shows as `no-reply'

  2. Goodness! All this lovely green is making me jealous. :) I'm still in the midst of very, very snowy weather (probably about a foot of snow on the ground now with a nice crust of ice and sleeting hard currently….lovely. Haha).

  3. A delightful post, dear Kelly-Anne :) Seeing your pretty garden pictures has me itching to go play in the dirt with the flowers and vegetables :) Where I live we can't plant anything until the end of May so I will have to wait a couple more months...

    Thank you so much for faithfully linking up with Roses of Inspiration - you are a blessing! Love and hugs to you!

  4. What beautiful photos! They make me very anxious for SPRING!

  5. What a wonderful entry! You just delighted my soul! My garden is still deep in snow. I start my tomatoes and broccoli today. (a couple of weeks late!)
    Thank you for visiting me at Christ in Me. I love sharing new (to me) and interesting words!

  6. Excellent quotes and beautiful photos! Now I'm really starting to miss gardening. It is a consolation that spring should soon be here.

  7. Lovely photos, scriptures, and quotes Kelly-Anne! Beautifully put together post. I played in the dirt a bit yesterday afternoon and it felt so good. Hope you are having a splendid week.

    Hugs, Vicky

  8. ~ Sheryl: Oh, I'm so pleased you enjoyed the photographs of my garden! And I am afraid to say I haven't yet had a chance to fix my 'no-reply' problem, and I do so appreciate you responding through my blog! Blessings!

    ~ CGrace: Hello dear! I'm so very happy to have you stop by - thank you for your lovely comment! Aww! I think we will have to trade - I would love to experience some icy cold weather:) Hugs and love!

    ~ Stephanie: Oh my poor friend! You must be so desperate to step into the garden again and weave a little magic in your vegetable and flower beds... Thank you for your lovely link-party - I just love joining in the fun each week and have made so many new friends through it too! Much love! Xx

    ~ Shoregirl: Thank you so much for your sweet visit! Aww! I can understand how you must feel...not too long now hopefully! Hugs!

    ~ Judy: I'm so happy to meet you, dear Judy - thank you for stopping by my blog! We also start our seeds indoors, although it is probably no where near as chilly here as where you live! :) Hope your day is wonderfully blessed!

    ~ Bethany: Bethany, you're so very sweet! Thank you so much for your lovely comment:) I hope Spring will arrive soon for you! Love and hugs!

    ~ Vicky: Good morning dear Vicky! I'm so glad to hear you got to do some gardening lovely to soak up a few rays of sunshine and take in the fresh beauty of the outdoors! Hope you have a beautiful day - I so appreciate your faithful visits - it is always delightful to hear from you! Love, Kelly-Anne

  9. Beautiful words and beautiful photos! I like the shallow depth of field - I suppose it makes one feel like they're right in there with the plants!

    1. You're so kind dearest Paige! I'm glad you enjoyed this post... Yes...I used a shallow depth of field for these photographs as the day was quite overcast and dark, so I needed a lower f/stop to filter in as much light as possible:). I'm not sure that it was the correct way of doing it, but I enjoyed playing with my camera to achieve the desired results! And I do love my zoom lens - it does indeed make one feel as if they're right in there! Thank you for visiting sweet friend! Hugs to you!

  10. Love these sentiments and photos Kelly-Anne! Thank you for sharing on the Art of Home-Making Mondays :)

    1. Jes, thank you for your lovely visit - I always enjoy linking up with you! May you have a beautiful Lord's Day!


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