
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Honey & Banana Lassi

Summer is definitely the time for ice cold smoothies, milkshakes and ice creams, and this honey and banana lassi is absolutely delicious on one of those warm days...  Of course, served in a tall, fancy glass with a pretty straw makes it even more delightful to drink...  I do hope you enjoy this lovely and very simple recipe as much as I do! 

Honey and Banana Lassi

1 cup homemade natural yoghurt

2 ice cubes

1 banana, fresh or frozen

½ tsp vanilla essence

1 tbsp raw honey

Blend all the ingredients together in a blender until smooth and foamy.  One generous serving.

~ So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.  1 Corinthians 10:31 ~


  1. Kelly-Anne~ this looks delightfully lovely and delicious! I think I'm going to have to make one of these, even though it is winter here and freezing outside :) I love cold drinks all year long though :) Thank you for sharing this recipe today <3 Blessings to you, sweet friend!! Hope your week is beautifully blessed!!

    1. You are so very sweet, Libby my friend! Always a joy to have you visit! I hope you enjoy this little recipe in spite of the cold weather...:). I am one of those strange people who drink tea to cool down in summer so I'm sure there is nothing wrong with making this in winter! Blessings on your week and much love!! Xx

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you my dear friend for your kind visit ~ so lovely to have you! Blessings on your day!

  3. This looks delicious, sweet friend, and the sprinkles on top are the perfect finishing touch :)

    Have a blessed day, my dear. Hugs!

    1. Thank you Stephanie ~ you are so sweet!! Have to have sprinkles on top...:). May your day be blessed and peaceful! All my love, Kelly

  4. That looks so good!!! Its winter here so its hot chocolate time :) I'll have to try this is summer!

    1. Thank you, Sarah! This is pure deliciousness, if you get such a word...:). Hugs to you!


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