
Sunday, January 18, 2015

First Week Back...

Here I sit in my cosy, if perhaps a bit messy, little sewing room...  You can tell I have resumed work on my little business by the dozens of colourful bits of thread lying on the floor, the pins scattered on my work table and the piles of fabric strewn across the cutting counter... 

I confess I am not the neatest of workers when it comes to crafting...  I may be a perfectionist, but unfortunately it is of little use to me when I am in a 'creative mode'...

This has been a rather busy week back at work for me...  Even though my dad is still on holiday from work, I realised I couldn’t enjoy relaxing with my family any longer – I had lots of work to do!

Not only did I have a client needing new stock for her shop, but I also had the market on Saturday to think about... 

Thus I put my head down and to work I went, although as I have mentioned before, Heartmade work never feels like work!

I love meeting new people and working with my clients and I love bringing joy to others through my work and receiving valuable feedback from customers...

This month actually marks Heartmade’s 6 month anniversary and what a wonderful, challenging and exciting 6 months it has been!

And while this week was extremely busy with very little time for me to catch my breath, I know it will quieten down very soon when I have everything back under control and I have developed some sort of routine...

But now let me show you a few of the lovelies I have been making this week...

 My 3D Elephant Soft Toys...
 I have been out of stock of these adorable bunnies for quite some time now, so I figured I had better make a few for the coming markets...

 Elephant Softies...

 New stock – patchwork hearts with a cross stitch motif for Valentine’s... 

...More coming soon in reds and pinks!

Thus, the first week of work is over and I feel relieved to have reacquainted myself with my dear sewing machine and all the gorgeous bits and pieces in my sewing room!  I may have enjoyed the short break but how I missed it all!

What did you do this week?

~ ...And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you.  1 Thessalonians 4:1 ~1, KJV


  1. You are a great seamstress!! I suck at sewing :)
    The things you made look amazing, so soft. I love the colors of material you chose.

    1. You're so sweet, Sarah! Thank you for your encouragement! I actually used to hate sewing...I'm serious! If you'd told me I'd be sewing to earn a living I would have laughed at you...:). How funny... Blessings and love, Kelly

  2. Congratulations on six months already, Kelly! These works of art are so beautifully and neatly made, I can just see all kinds of nurseries benefiting from such sweet and darling little additions! Much love! xxx

    1. Thank you sweet friend! Was so good to see you again! Much love!

  3. You are tagged over on my blog:


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