
Friday, January 9, 2015

A Weekend to Remember

In my previous post, I wrote about my eighteenth birthday and how I was so blessed to share it with dear friends...

I thought I would share a few more photographs of the wonderful time we all had together...  I will always cherish the memories we made and feel extremely thankful to the Lord for the blessings of beautiful weather, safety and good health, which we had been praying for since we planned the visit 49 days earlier...

 Heidi-Mari and I have always loved to bake together – here we baked a carrot cake, November 2014

In November 2014 I had my dear friend, Heidi-Mari, to stay with me for a few days and we had such a lovely time fellowshipping together that we decided to plan another visit over my birthday – however, as we are friends with her siblings too, we decided that the four oldest children in their family should come up for four nights and that the boys would camp outside and us ladies would have the house...  It worked wonderfully!

 Heidi and I at the market on Saturday morning...

 Plenty of fun was had playing table tennis!

We went out quite a bit – to the beach, to the market, out to supper on my birthday, to Jubilee Creek – my favourite place to spend the day – for a picnic lunch and a hike and swim at the beautiful waterfall, another trip to the beach and we also played plenty of games and watched a few movies too...

 Precious sisters – Nancy and Sofia...

 Mommy with her little girls – Rebekah, Sofia and Gabrielle...

 Little Rebekah...

 Darling little girls posing for a cute capture...

We older girls also dressed up one evening and Heidi even curled our hair for us which was such a treat!

 Special friends – Heidi, Nancy and I...

 Like their big sisters, Beth and Danika are friends and have been since the age of about two....

And as I said yesterday, my dear family were wonderful and it was lovely to see how everyone, including our friends, worked together to get done and do the necessary chores in order to have fun...

Breakfast was waffles all round – dreadfully unhealthy, I know...:)

I met Heidi-Mari when I was nine years old and she was eight, and we have been friends ever since – we haven’t always been able to see each other that often due to the distance between us, but we have always been close and I consider her my very dear friend and truly value her special friendship...

We both love the Lord with all our hearts and strive to put Him first in our friendship.  It is wonderful to have someone to share my heart with and encourage, and she encourages and inspires me so much...  And as Nancy has grown older, so she has drawn closer to the two of us as well – now we are a threesome and that is lovely...

 Over the weekend my mom had ten children in the house (when both our families get together, there are fourteen children ranging in ages from 3 all the way up to 20)! 

Saying goodbye is never easy...

This visit was certainly more adventurous than our last one and I think it is safe to say every person in their family and ours was absolutely exhausted by the end of it – we packed so much into the few hours we had together and laughed so much!  Of course I can’t wait to see them again soon:)

Hope you enjoyed all the photographs, sweet readers!

~ Satisfy us every morning with your mercy so that we may sing joyfully and rejoice all our days.  Psalm 90:14 ~



  1. I certainly enjoyed your photos, dear Kelly-Anne. What beautiful smiling faces and what a lovely time everyone had. Thank you, my dear, for sharing with us :)

    Have a delightful weekend, sweet friend. Love and hugs to you!

    1. Dear Stephanie ~ I must tell you how I much enjoy your comments! Thank you for stopping by today! And I pray your weekend is beautifully blessed - much love to you! Kelly xx

  2. I really enjoyed the pictures!! Thanks for posting them Kelly-Anne :)
    It looks like you all had a bomb!

    1. Yes, thank you Sarah! And we were so tired by the end of it:). Blessings to you!

  3. Kelly-Anne~ Thank you for sharing these pictures with us :) This post was a delight and a blessing to read! It looks like everyone had a lovely time and lots of fun!! :) Hope your weekend is beautiful and blessed, dear friend <3


    1. I am so blessed to hear you enjoyed this post, dear Libby! It was a joy to put it together:). Hope your weekend is beautiful! Thank you for visiting:). Hugs and love!

  4. Dear Kelly-Anne, You are such a beautiful example of a lovely lady of God. You display in your life and writings the life offered to us when we are completely surrendered to Him.
    Thank you for sharing your walk with all of us.
    Trish Clark

    1. Dear Trish ~ your beautiful words encouraged me so much today... So often I feel like a complete and utter failure and I know I do fail, but to have the hope and knowledge that one day I will be perfect keeps me going! Blessings to you and thank you for taking the time to visit today:). Love, Kelly-Anne

  5. Looks like it was a wonderful day! The cake looks delicious, and the company looks very pleasant!

    1. Thank you dear Bethany ~ it was indeed:). Blessings!

  6. It's my birthday today and I had my luncheon yesterday, though I am long past 18. I too baked a carrot cake for my guest yesterday. I really enjoy your blog and encourage my daughter to read it too as you are a shining example of a young christian woman.

    1. Dear Cindy ~ A very, very happy birthday to you! Thank you for your beautiful comment ~ I was so blessed by it! I pray the Lord will continue to grow me so that I may become more like Him...He is so perfect and I am thankful for the grace He shows to me! May you have a wonderful day further! Blessings to you! Love, Kelly


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