
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A Beautiful Act

Painting by Myles Birket Foster – The Lacemaker 

What a beautiful act of love serving our families is!

Unfortunately the world has led us to believe that women shouldn’t be idling away their lives at home, but that they should rather be seeking fulfilment from all that it has to offer...   

We no longer find satisfaction in the simple pleasures of being at home and serving our families through small, everyday acts...  

...Training up our children in the ways of the Lord, helping our siblings...  Preparing a nourishing meal for the hungry tummies that congregate around our meal table each day, speaking truth to a friend or neighbour in need...these are all beautiful acts of love...

I love the verse in Zechariah 4:10 which says, “Despise not the day of small things”...  

We need to remember that our home is the place where we can truly make our lives “count” for something, even though our acts may seem small and insignificant. 

Our rewards may not always be given to us here on this earth and our lives may feel as unimportant as they look from the outside, but we need to remember that we are doing a good work for our Heavenly Father who is King over all and that we are storing up great rewards in Heaven where they really count!  

Dear mothers and daughters, don’t forget that being at home and serving your families faithfully each day through the ‘little things’ is a truly beautiful act of love and devotion...  

The Lord has placed you at home where you can make the greatest impact on the lives of others and sow the most beautiful seeds for His kingdom... 

~ Blessings on your day, friends ~

Sharing with...
Strangers and Pilgrims on Earth

The Enchanting Rose


  1. YES!! This is one of the best posts I've read in awhile. Thank you for sharing it today- what a sweet blessing and huge encouragement and motivation is was to me! (and I know it will be to many others, too) Blessings to you today, Kelly-Anne <3

    1. Thank you Libby dearest! You are a wonderful friend and it is always a great joy to hear from you... And I am so happy that the Lord used this to encourage you - many hugs and much love! Kelly xx

  2. You have great wisdom (from the Father I'm sure).
    Blessings to you Kelly-Anne.

    1. Dear Trish ~ thank you for your kind words... Praying you have a blessed and joy-filled day!

  3. My sweet friend, what precious wisdom and blessed encouragement! You have touched my heart with your beautifully written post. Thank you for being an instrument for the Lord Jesus - He is using you in a mighty way on your blog :)

    Thank you, dear Kelly-Anne, for sharing at Roses of Inspiration. Hugs, my friend!

    1. I was so excited to finally link up with you, Stephanie!! Thank you for your words of encouragement...they truly blessed me today:). Hugs to you as well dear friend! Xx

  4. Touched my heart, this is so true! The home is where it starts, loving each other, raising and teaching our children and showing God's love!

    1. Sylvia, thank you... Some days it is so easy to forget... I wrote this to keep me believing in the small things... Blessings to you:).

  5. This sounds like a devotional :) Lovely post again Kelly-Anne!

    1. Thank you, Sarah ~ yes, sometimes the Lord lays it on my heart to write a devotional type post to encourage other young ladies and mothers at home... Hugs to you, Kelly

  6. I absolutely loved this! Also the verse from Zechariah was perfect! Thank you for sharing this with us on the Art of Home-Making Mondays and for giving me more Scripture to love! :)

    1. Thank you dearest JES! What a delight to link up with you again:). When I first heard Zechariah 4:10 I was so excited! The Lord does indeed see our very small deeds and honours them...such a blessed thought! Much love and hugs! Kelly

  7. Beautifully said. I have been blessed to be a SAHM to raise two daughters and be a homemaker....a job I take delight in and fortunate to have had for the past 27 years. I would change a thing. Thank you for recognizing the value in caring for our homes.

    1. Thank you for sharing this ~ it touched my heart this morning... Blessings to you!

  8. Good morning, my's morning here in the states, but I am guessing it's not morning where you are, my dear :) Anywho, I just wanted to pop in and let you know this beautiful post was featured at Roses of Inspiration - thank you so much for sharing!

    Much love to you!

    1. Oh wow! Thank you dear Stephanie! Have a beautiful day! Love and hugs:). Xx

  9. Hi Kelly-Anne! I am visiting from Roses of Inspiration and I must tell you, your post is such a blessing. I am probably old enough to be your grandma and it blesses my heart to read a post from a young lady who has a heart for the Lord such as yours. There are so many young women that have been taken in by the world and everything in's sad what I see and hear. How refreshing it is to know that there are still very young ladies, such as you who still cling to those home and family...and the passion for your Lord! Blessings to you!

    1. Dearest Debbie! Thank you so much for visiting and for your wonderfully encourging words - they touched my heart this morning! Blessings to you too! Love, Kelly-Anne


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