
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Dear Love of a Mother

 ~ This post is dedicated to my loving mother and all the mothers of the world who serve God by serving their families ~

They are the saintly beings that carry us in their tender, loving arms from babe to toddler, and in their hearts from child through to young adult and beyond...

They are the hands that rock the cradles of the nation, the women who nurse and care for their little broods with very little recognition from the outside world...

They are the precious women we are blessed and privileged to call mother; the women each one of us ought to have by our sides cheering us on...

They are also the women who have daily struggles and battles; battles which perhaps we don’t see or understand, yet they see them through, crying out to the Lord in the wee hours of the night when up with a sickly baby...

They are the dear hearts who place the needs of their children above their own and praise the Lord even in times of doubt or despair, fear or sorrow...

They are the wonderful people who are shaped by their heavenly Father through their young ones.  Laugh lines make their faces shine...

...Without them - without their prayers, strength, love, support and patience, this world would be a dismal place indeed. 

Mothers – what treasures they are, what jewels!  Mothers – they are human too, requiring help from the Holy One each moment of the day. 
Mothers – how comforting and sweet that lovely word sounds to the ears!   
Mothers – Oh, how we love them so!

Women who lay aside their own dreams and goals to raise their families in truth and love are rare finds and are worthy to be praised.  But how seldom to we hear their sacrificial love and tireless work being sung out from the rooftops... 

Their work is often thankless, their tasks more often than not quite dull.  Yet they realise that their recognition and source of hope and strength comes from the One above and does not lie with this earth and all it has to offer.

We know they have their share of faults and shortcomings, but can any of us claim to not have any?  I know for certain that I cannot...sometimes I feel as if I fail every second of the day...  But we as their children love them anyway, just as they so dearly love us...even when we disobey or sadden them.
  Let us join together and show our darling mothers just how much we love and appreciate them this coming Mother’s Day.  Please join me tomorrow in sharing a few simple ideas for ways you can bless your mother!

~ The wise woman builds her house.  Proverbs 14:1 ~ 
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  1. This is simply beautiful, my friend, and your words have truly honored your sweet mother.

    I am so glad you shared this post with Roses of Inspiration - my heart was blessed.

    Love to you!


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