
Saturday, March 15, 2014

A Little Notice...

Hello friends and a happy Saturday to you all!
This is just a little notice to tell you I will be on a short blogging vacation.
You see, I am in the process of setting up an online business with my lovely mom, so there are new products to work on, a blog to be designed, etc, etc.  I’m sure many of you already have your own online shops and understand everything it entails!  But I will not be gone for too long, I promise.  I also have a wonderful surprise waiting for you when I return!
With love,

Monday, March 10, 2014

Lovliness Today ~ Awards

...A little while ago I received two lovely awards from Chloe from Bloomin Maiden...  Thank you Chloe - I am honoured that you chose to nominate me!
 If you could visit any place in the world where would you go?  Oh, definitely Italy!  And then France.  But I would also love to visit England one day.
How many siblings do you have?  I have five beautiful sisters.
Who was the first person you talked to this morning?  My wonderful mother.
Do you like morning or evening better?  There is something lovely about both times of the day…
Who is your role model?  Many people inspire me, but I think my mom is the person I look up to the most.
If you could meet any person on earth, who would you want to meet?  I would love to meet a few of the friends I’ve made through blogging over the past five years…
Do you like going to the dentist?  To be honest, no.  Fortunately I haven’t had to visit the dentist too often:-)
What is your favorite blog...other than yours :)?  I really don’t have a favourite!  They're all so lovely!
Have you ever flown over the ocean?  Never:-(
What are you most looking forward to in life?  Becoming a mom.

 Now for eleven facts about myself:

I am obsessed with the colour pink
I really dislike budgies
My worst vegetable is a patty pan
I don’t like chocolate (not much anyway)
I think flowers make the world prettier
I love Pinterest
Watermelon is my favourite, favourite fruit
I have a box full of treasures – it contains all the things that are dear to me
I love to dream
I think spring is the best time of the year
I’m a passionate cook

 What do you want to do on earth more than anything else?  I think my ultimate dream and desire is to live a life that glorifies God.
What is your favorite book (other than the Bible)...?  I think the most incredible book I’ve ever read was Christy by Catherine Marshall, but Little Women remains my absolute favourite.
What is your favorite subject in school?  I love learning and don’t have a favourite subject.
Do you have pen-pals?  Yes, I love writing letters to people and recently acquired a new pen-pal which I’m so excited about!  I also write every so often to my grandparents…
Who is your favorite hero (in books or movies)?  I don’t have one.
Who do you text the most?  As I don’t have a phone, I don’t text anyone…
If you could change anything in your facial features what would you change?  :-)
What is your favorite movie?  I’m always changing my mind about which movie I like the most, but at the moment it is the BBC series Emma.
What is your favorite thing to blog about?  I love to blog about so many different things…crafts, outings, books…
Do you have a best friend?  I have a small handful of close friends – unfortunately we very seldom see each other…
What is the most amazing thing you've ever done?  I think taking up music was the most amazing thing I ever did and I am so thankful for it every day.

Now for eleven questions for the bloggers I’ve chosen to nominate for the Liebster and Sunflower Blog Awards to answer…

Strawberries or blueberries?  Which do you prefer?
Are you an early bird or a night owl?
What excites you?
Would you rather take a walk in the forest or along the beach?
What words do you like using the most?
If you could go back in time, which period would you like to live in?
Romance, action or mystery, which genre of books do you prefer?
Do you have a treasure box?
What instruments in the orchestra do you like the most?
Would you be frightened to dive with sharks?
Name three cities in the world that you would like to visit.

And now for the eleven bloggers I’ve chosen to nominate for both the Liebster Blog and Sunflower Awards:

Kianna ~ Kianna’sKorner

Khloe Grace ~ All Things Good

Klarabelle ~ Klarabelle Candy

Kathryn ~ Chatty Kathy

Grace ~ His Daughter

Amber ~ Blessings Blog

And my lovely young friend Grace ~ God's Grace

Have a very blessed week friends!


Friday, March 7, 2014

52 Crafts in 52 Weeks – Week Thirty Six

I confess.  I have been suffering from a mild case of writer’s block for far too long!
Have you ever experienced the feeling when nothing you say seems to make any sense and the words before you fade into an incomprehensible blur?  I know many of my fellow bloggers have, so I shall take comfort in that thought and the knowledge that the majority of them have recovered and have gone on to write such beautiful posts for all their readers to enjoy.

But I must tell you that it was only the thought of the now 102 followers anticipating my next post that made me resolve to find a cure.  And I think I have found it – thankfully!  
I really couldn’t be absent for too long - blogging has been a part of my life for the past five years and not sharing and writing would be more than I could possibly bear!

Seeing as I have now filled you in on this important piece of information, I will move on to my next craft in the 52 week challenge I set myself for 2013.  I know that it is actually March 2014, but because I wasn’t able to complete my goal last year, I decided to continue crafty blogging this year:-)

And this week’s craft is…

Homemade Mint and Orange Body Scrub made from only natural ingredients!

Body scrub makes a wonderful gift for friends and family who enjoy the odd pamper...  And this one contains ingredients that can be found in just about any kitchen and garden so you can make a jar for yourself today if you choose!


10ml Orange rind
1 Cup brown sugar
120ml Olive oil 
Drop vanilla essence
10ml Chopped mint

To Make:

Mix all the ingredients together and store mixture in an airtight container.  You can also keep the scrub in the refrigerator for a week.  Don’t get any moisture in the container as this may cause the scrub to spoil.
To use, moisten your skin and rub the scrub all over your whole body.  Massage gently then rinse off with warm water.  Don’t use the scrub on cuts or bruises. 

I stored the scrub I wanted to give away in pretty jars and added a ribbon and label.  If you would like to do the same, remember to add the list of ingredients and storage and usage instructions to the label.

Here are a few other ideas for using mint therapeutically…

For tummy troubles: (this one really works!) make a mint infusion to ease indigestion and stomach cramps.  Add a few fresh mint leaves to a cup of boiling water and steep for 10 minutes.  Add honey if you prefer.
As a facial wash: To make a refreshing, cleansing facial wash, add a handful of bruised mint leaves to a pan of cool water.  Leave for 1 hour and then chill in the refrigerator.  Use as desired.
As a breath freshener: Keep your breath fresh by chewing some mint leaves.

Recipes and ideas taken from the March 2010 edition of Ideas Magazine.

Have a very blessed and crafty weekend!

Much love,