
Thursday, February 20, 2014

52 Crafts in 52 Weeks – Week Thirty Five

 Today is gloriously cool...  After a very hot few days, we’re really enjoying the refreshing rain that has come to visit us today!

The heat makes doing anything virtually impossible, so if things don't get done early in the morning before the day warms up, chances are they're not going to get done. This means that very little crafting happens and in turn very little blogging.  

But now let me show you the beautiful baby bibs and burp rags my Mom and I made for a young woman who is excpecting her baby boy in March!  

 We made two sets of coordinating bibs and burp rags in pretty blue fabrics.  Having only sisters means I've had very little experience making things for a baby boy, so it was a real treat to use blue!

 I loved every moment of making these - I did all the tracing, cutting out, ironing, etc while Mom used her new machine to applique and sew the items.  


 Until next time, dear friends!


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Blessed Woman

This beautiful poem is displayed on our fridge door for us all to read and remember...  It clearly illustrates the woman who puts God first in everything, from her children and husband, to her chores and her household duties.  God says women like the one mentioned in the poem are blessed above others because they strive to serve Him everyday, even in the little things, such as serving a humble meal to their families or humming a melody as they do a particularly unpleasant chore...  

Dear friends let us be encouraged, even if we won't yet have husbands and children of our own, to serve God in every aspect of our daily life.  If we are blessed enough to still be at home under the protection of our mothers and fathers, may we go about our chores with a smile on our faces and a song in our hearts and never forget how important it is to show love and grace to everyone, including our small brothers and sisters!

The Blessed Woman

Blessed is she whose daily tasks are a work of love; for her willing hands and happy heart transform duty into joyous service to all her family and God.

Blessed is she who opens the door to welcome both stranger and well-loved friends; for gracious hospitality is a test of brotherly love.

Blessed is she who mends both stocking and broken toys and broken hearts; for her understanding is a balm to her husband and children.

Blessed is she who scours and scrubs; for well she knows that cleanliness is one expression of Godliness.

Blessed is she whom children love; for the love of a child is of greater value that fortune or fame.

Blessed is she who sings in her work; for music lightens the heaviest load and brightens the dullest chore.

Blessed is she who dusts away doubt and fear and sweeps all the cobwebs of confusion; for her faith will triumph over all adversity.

Blessed is she who serves laughter and smiles with every meal; for her cheerfulness is an aid to mental and physical digestion.

Blessed is she who introduces Jesus Christ to her children; for Godly sons and daughters shall be her reward.

Blessed is she who preserves the sacredness of the Christian home; for hers is a divine trust that crowns her with dignity.

Author Unkown

 Image Via Pinterest

Monday, February 3, 2014

Today Was Monday...

Mondays are different to every other day.  I suppose this is because Mondays are at the start of a whole new week and the day after the special family day we all love so much.
Many things, both pleasant and not-quite-so pleasant happen in it. 
But now I happily sit here at the computer with my fingers touching the keys, ever ready to transfer the thoughts from my mind to the screen in front of me.  I’m enjoying a few sweet moments before the close of the day when the light grows dim and the bugs outside begin to chirrup their songs of love and happiness...  Bedtime is always a delightful time for me; before I even shut my eyes or whisper a goodnight to the little girl in the bed opposite me, I am swept away to a world of fantasy and romance where all those near and dear to me are the key characters in my little drama which is called a dream...
Looking back on the past few hours, beginning at 5:30 this morning when I woke to soak up the words so dear to all who love them and to praise the Writer of each chapter of my life, I see many wonderful things – an hour or so of garden chores and pleasantness while the day was still cool and dripping with dew, menu planning for the week with Mom.  (Sometimes this task is a bit tiresome as finding healthy, easy-on-the-budget meals is not that simple...  But fortunately God gives grace as well as inspiration to those who love Him and now we both know what is potting for the next few days as far as filling up hungry tumblies goes:-) 
The afternoon included a fair amount of schoolwork for me.  I read and reread interesting information on the Renaissance and set my mind to work on just how I was going to present my research... In between notes I made my way down the passage to retrieve a lost chick, to fetch a paintbrush from the drawer and to find a piece of clay for the girls to roll into sausage shapes and show Mom how to make a U. 
After chopping carrots rather hurriedly, giving the seedlings (that were just about fainting from the heat) a brief watering and putting my hair back in a hair band, Mom, Nancy and I jumped in the car for a wonderful hour of least for Nancy and I.  Mom went shopping for the week’s groceries while we were at our lesson.
Coming home to house full of funny sisters and a pot of yummy hot supper (thankfully) cooked the day before was perhaps the sweetest thing of all. 

And I have just realised something...I can’t think of one single thing that was not-so-pleasant that happened today...

Okay, I can...
I twisted my ankle rather nastily whilst watering the garden for the second time this morning:-)

Goodnight dear friends, hope your Monday was just as amazing mine was!


P.S.  Happy February everyone!