
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

52 Weeks 52 Crafts Challenge - Week Two

 Hello everyone!  I'm so sorry I did not get to post the next craft project here on time!  Yesterday morning the younger girls woke up with a cold and my mom had to go out for the whole morning to buy school supplies and visit the library (no easy task for our large family - 51 books all in all!).  Nancy and I were also a little under the weather, so it just wasn't a good day for blogging! 


My sister was a given a beautiful book by Sarah Moore for Christmas on making vintage-style gifts.  The one idea featured  was a cake stand made out of pretty side plates, saucers and serving plates.  When we began planning my 16th birthday  'Vintage Tea', we all agreed that we would definitely make such a cake stand to display all our eats!  


My mom has a beautiful little collection of vintage crockery that she started collecting a long time ago.   A lot of it is from her granny, so it is very old and definitely vintage.   Instead of storing the crockery in the cupboard, we decided to upcycle it into a practical and useful cake stand...

This is the second craft of our '52 Weeks 52 Crafts Challenge'

....And this is what the cake stand looked like at my tea party...

Have a lovely week further!

Next craft due on January the 21st...


  1. What a good idea about the teacups! I love what it looks like too!


  2. Thank you Sapphire:) Have a blessed day!



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