
Monday, June 11, 2012

Book Review//War Horse by Michael Morpurgo

Before the outbreak of World War 1, Joey, a young red bay colt was taken away from his mother and sold to a farmer in Devon, England. The farmer’s son, Albert, took a special liking to him, as the farmer was more cruel than kind. However when horses were needed for the British cavalry, Albert’s father is forced to sell Joey in order to save his farm. Joey has to face many dangerous situations in his new life as a war horse. Somehow his courage and magnificent strength help the soldiers in the terrible time of war, bringing a little light into their miserable lives. Although Joey has many caring owners and riders while away from his home, he misses his old life as a farm horse terribly. Will he ever see Albert again or even make it alive through the war?
This story is told through the horse’s eyes – his fears and excitements come to life in this beautiful book written by Michael Morpurgo.

My mom promised us we could watch the movie which has just been released once we had read the book. I wasn’t so sure about it but once we got started, all Mom ever heard during the days that followed was “Mommy PLEASE read to us”! There were always so many distractions or things we needed to do before we read and Mom would always stop in the most exciting part (or so it seemed:) Every one of us begged her for another chapter! We finished the book within a few days and now we excitedly wait to hire the movie.

I hope the movie is as good as the book – I love war movies but I’m sure this one will be sad like the book...I’ll let you know soon enough!

Have you read War Horse or watched the move?? What are your thoughts on the book/movie?


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