Hello everyone! It’s time for another tot activity on Beautiful Girlhood!
Let’s celebrate warmer weather with the tots!
The Three Blind Mice {Beth age seven, Gabrielle age four and Rebekah age two} and I made paper bag kites.
What you need:
Powder paint
Cold glue
Paper collage materials (Pompoms,
Streamers, Feathers, etc.)
Large paper bags
Paint brushes
Hole puncher
Paper ring reinforcements
1. Punch holes on each of the four corners of the bag (at least 3cm from the edge of the bag). Put a paper ring reinforcement on each hole.
2. Cut two pieces of string to a length of about 80cm. Tie each end into a hole to form two loops. 3. Cut a 3rd piece of string about 80cm long. Put it through the two loops and tie it. It will act as a handle.
4. Bag can be painted as desired.
5. Glue on paper collage materials and streamers. Allow to dry.
Let the tots paint a picture for fun with the left over paint ~
~ And pull a funny face :D
6. Now it’s time to play with your beautiful kite!
Run and play...
Have fun...
Go wild in the wind!!!
This activity is for tots of all ages and is from the book: ‘Children’s Arts and Crafts’ – The Australian Women’s Weekly Craft Library.
Don’t forget, you can join in the tot fun too, here’s how:
Create a new (no back linking allowed!) post on your blog with your tried and tested toddler activity and lots of photographs.
Email your entry to me and I will enter it for you, so be sure to come back here and check it out!
Give a link to Beautiful Girlhood on your blog so that others may find me and enjoy playing along, too! You are welcome to use my Time for Tots button above. Just right click on the picture and ‘save as’. Use it as a picture in your post.
You’re done! I will come around and have a look at your ideas after you have linked up and leave you a comment!
You can join as many times as you wish, each time with a new toddler activity!
At the end of a tot school year, I will pick five of my favourite toddler activity ideas and each finalist will receive a ‘Tot Champ’ button....BUT, the ‘Top of the Tots’ will receive a ‘Tot Box’ filled with fun goodies to make and do with 1-5 year olds!
Go HERE to see some more of my Time for Tots activities, and those of others!
‘To the tots’,
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