Hello everyone! It’s time for my weekly tot activity! I meant to post it on Tuesday, but I got side-tracked with Miss Gabrielle’s spring photo shoot!
The little ones are learning about the letter M so we made ‘Macaroni Necklaces’!
You Will Need:
Macaroni noodles
Craft paint of your choice
Paint tubs
Paint brushes
Spaghetti noodles stuck into playdoh (to thread your painted noodles onto to dry properly).
Lay newspaper over the table and give each tot a separate paint tub, paintbrushes, noodle dryer and a container to put their own macaroni noodles in to avoid conflict!
Step 1: Paint the noodles your desired colour...
Step 2: leave them to dry on your homemade noodle dryer.
It is hard work painting such a small noodle, but the tots will love it!
Don’t worry if they mix up the colours and start painting the noodles some weird brown colour – I did and it didn’t help, they just kept right on making ‘new colours’!
Step 3: Once the noodles have dried, take them off the dryer and thread them onto a piece of string long enough to fit over their heads when the ends are tied together.
You or your mom will have to help the very small tots!
Step 4: When you have created a colourful necklace, tie the ends together and...
You’re done!!!
Beautiful jewellery handmade by the tots – Beth age seven, Gabrielle age four and Rebekah age two.
Don’t forget to link up YOUR activities in the Tot School page, here! You have the rest of the year join in the Time for Tots fun. I post a weekly tot activity on my blog, but if you have any new ideas then I’d love to see them anytime!
Have a fun-filled day further ~
‘To the tots’,
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