
Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Sweet Award

Rebecca from ‘Living for Christ’ gave me this lovely blog award today! Thank you, Rebecca!

The object of this particular award is to award bloggers who believe in Jesus Christ and write freely about Him and His glory on their blogs and encourage others. The requirements for this award are to:

1: Explain three things that have encouraged you on your walk of faith, like a particular verse in the Bible or a prayer, book or someone who has really touched your life. It must be a certain moment, whether in church, a retreat, etc.

2: Pass this award onto three other Godly bloggers.

I.  My mother, sisters and I receive a beautiful magazine called ‘Above Rubies’, started by Nancy Campbell over 30 years ago.  This magazine is sent all over the world, encouraging and strengthening families in Christ.  I am always inspired reading it, and so is my Mother.

II.  Years ago I read a book called Mary Jones and her Bible.  I was absolutely amazed at this little girl’s love for Jesus and her willingness to do all she could for Him.  After saving her hard earned money for a long time, she makes the long journey to buy her own Bible.

III. I keep a little book in my journal case in which I write verses which have encouraged me. I don’t often wake early enough to have a quiet time; usually everyone is up by the time I’ve ‘found’ myself. But when I do spend time with God, I savour it. This book is not quite halfway full with different pieces of scripture, but still, when I go through it, I feel blessed!

I would very much like to pass this award on to the following Godly bloggers:

My dear friend, Heidi-Mari from Heidi’s Crafts

And Aunty Linnie from Back to Ancient Ways

I hope you are all having a special day and are being blessed and being a blessing!



  1. WOW! Thank you so much my friend. I really like this award. Will post it on my blog soon.
    Thanks again!
    Lots of blessing and love to you too.

  2. Dear Kelly-Anne, I'm truly honored by this award! Thank you for being a Godly Girl for Christ Jesus. I'm blessed by knowing you and your family!
    Aunty Linnie

  3. Congratulations for your blog award! ¡Felicidades! Un abrazo, bendiciones.

  4. Thanks so much, Kelly-Anne! I'm so blessed.


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