
Friday, July 29, 2011

Tot School Notice

My mom and I are currently working on activities to do with toddlers for the time when she is in hospital to give birth to our new little baby who is due in October. Time for Tots will reopen once I have a list of activities to do. However, you are still able to share your ideas with me in the ‘Tot’s School’ page. Please go here for more information! I will be back soon – nothing can keep me away for very long!!!



  1. Your mom's expecting! That's so cool! :D My birthday is in Oct. so that is awesome that the baby's due then. :)


  2. Hi Ali, thanks, I am so excited my Mom is going to have another baby! My sister and my dad are in October and we think baby is going to come a few days before Nancy's birthday - she is really happy about that! Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment! Lots of love, Kelly-Anne


I do so love hearing from you ~ thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment...