
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Learning through Living - the Most Beautiful Farm Ever

My sisters and I have had a very full life and we have learnt so much over the past few years. We have lived almost all over Southern Africa and if we haven’t lived in a certain place, we might have visited it on our travels.

We have seen beautiful countryside, long stretches of ocean, busy towns and hectic cities! We have seen so much and sometimes we forget to take moving around the country as a blessing – we have learnt things most of our friends haven’t!

I decided to take you through our travels, showing places in beautiful South Africa that you may or may not have visited before. I want to show you crazy things we have done and enjoyed so much! So now sit back and enjoy looking at the heap of photographs I have to show you! I know it might or might not inspire you to step out of your front door and tour the beautiful countryside that you live in! But we learnt and we are learning about life and the world around us through living!

Each week I will show you a different place we’ve lived in.

This time I will show you Bekezela Adventure Farm where we stayed for six months, learning about nature around us

Bekezela did a lot for Nancy and me. We became better outdoor girls, and have been ever since. My mother hardly ever saw us – we were forever outdoors come rain or shine. I can’t say we learnt much in terms of maths, english, grammar, etc. However, we learnt how to ride horses bareback over the hill, to have picnics, go for long walks, do lots of cycling, foofie sliding, swimming in dams and much, much more! I can hardly begin to tell you all Nancy and I did – we were in our element

Look at the other place on Earth that I have visited has been more beautiful than that farm in Kwa Zulu Natal – it’s my favourite piece of countryside!

The hills and slopes were our playground!

The second house we stayed in on the farm – The Red Door Cottage.

The first horse I ever loved and that loved me…

Chantilly Lace…an old race horse.

Me with Bolo, Tilly’s friend. A friend of ours sent us these two horses for us to love and look after for the time we stayed on the farm!

The thunderstorms on the farm were unbelievable!  Nothing can compare to those storms!  The thunder so loud and the lighting so near that we couldn’t sleep!  We used to get them almost every afternoon after a humid and hot day.  We also used to have heavy mist.  Here Nancy and Beth hold our goslings in the mist.

We used to take them swimming in the dam.

Three calves were born during our time there.  Here we were with Oscar, a newborn calf.  His momma let us cuddle him!

Farmer Beth...isn’t she cute?

The fist bench we ever made.  This was our first house on the farm.

Beth found many little animals on the farm.  Here she is with her pet lizard that needed some sunshine.

And here she is with her wild bunny, which we sometimes were able to catch.  We used to put food out for it every day but one day it didn’t come and we think it became snake food.  As I recall, his name was Ginger.

The Tarzan swing – look how high it is!  I was so scared swinging on it, but Nancy jumped on and went!  She thoroughly enjoyed it and once she had hopped off she said: “Come on Dad, your turn!” – She has no fear of height whatsoever!

Ella and Abby came from England to help on the farm – they were such good friends!

Eating jelly!

Nancy and Beth getting ready to go abseiling!

Sweet sisters

We had such fun and it was a very healthy experience for us as children and I will treasure those times always!

In my next post I share with you the next place we lived in....Sedgefield, a little seaside town near Knysna.



  1. Kelly-Anne
    Wow lots of cool pictures!
    I like them all!
    yes, farmer Beth is really cute!
    That swing looks real fun!
    I really enjoyed this post!
    In Christ
    PS I am allowed to have the stylish blogger award!!!!!!

  2. Hi Kelly-Anne Wow! The way you tell your story makes your adventures come alive! The farm looks beautiful. Thanks for sharing that. love,Karyn

  3. Hi there, Sarah,

    I am so glad you enjoyed the photographs and this post! I look forward to seeing the eight things about you with this award! Lots of love, Kelly-Anne

  4. Dear Karyn,
    thank you so much for your lovely comment! Have a lovely day further and many blessings,

  5. Hiyo Kelly:-)

    Jeepers, Iv got to say that this post is one of the most serene posts you've written yet -the blissful simplicity of youth...

    Reading these "Learning Through Living" posts is like seeing deja-vu scenarios of our own family traveling years. Seeing photos of you three little girls running through the hills is so blissfully relate able...I love it!

    So looking forward to the Sedgefield post, as I so adore Sedge:-)

    Lotsa lekker loony love...

  6. Hello there Tess - It is wonderful to have those precious, special memories stored up and now I have a perfect time and place to tell those stories - it brings me so much joy to write these 'learning through living' posts and to have friends, like yourself who also share an intrest in seeing new things and living in new places...I am so glad you are enjoying them! Lots of love back to you and it was soooo cool seeing you last week...I have the rough slide-show sorted out now, so when you have time I'd love those pics...we had such an amazng time, didn't we - Luv, Kelly-Anne


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