
Monday, January 31, 2011


On the 8th of January my mom and dad celebrated their 17th wedding anniversary!

My mom has been threatening for a few years to put together her wedding scrapbook kit that her dear friend, Linnie, gave to her. However, every time we would try to start it, something would interrupt…!
So, as a gift to my mom, I enlisted the help of my dad to ensure that my mom and I had time together to finally complete her kit! We had so much fun doing this scrapbook page together!

I think my mom was really a beautiful bride and my dad very handsome!
My mom really likes scrapbook kits because she doesn’t have the time to design one of her own. We also live about an hour and a half’s drive away from a scrapbook shop, so if we need something, we just have to wait for the next trip! The kit was wonderful because everything was already in it! And it still gave my mom opportunity for creativity, as she changed a couple of details here and there to suit her photographs and own taste! Thank you very much Aunty Linnie for this lovely kit! I know the finished page as well as the precious time she and I spent together over two evenings, really blessed her!


1 comment:

  1. Oh! It is beautiful!!!
    So glad you enjoyed it!
    Love you all and miss you!


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