
Monday, April 19, 2010

Gabrielle's 3rd Birthday

Wow! Gabrielle has turned three! This is her second birthday that I have blogged about!

She is a very special little girl, and is very loving! Watching her grow into a pretty three year old has been wonderful! She loves her big sister (me) and most nights she sleeps with me in my bed!

Saturday was her birthday! She knew exactly how old she was and kept showing everybody how many fingers!

We wanted to give her a little party with my grandparents and aunt. We made her a pony cake and the party was pony-themed. My mom made her a hobby horse too!

The cake didn't turn out so well!

Nancy and I were very busy making her presents! I made her a scarf and beanie for her rag doll, which Nancy made for her. Nancy also made her rag doll some clothes and a nightgown! Beth gave her a 'My Little Pony', which we bought from the factory toy shop.

When Nancy and I got home from the market, we began the party. I had made some mini flapjacks with blueberry jam and cream. My mom made sandwich triangles and we also had chips and juice!! We had such a lovely little party!


Then it was time for the cake - yummy yum!

Gabrielle and her cake.

Blowing out the candles!

We then had a little treasure hunt for Gabrielle. She had opened our presents in the morning, but my mom had kept the hobby horse till later. My mom laid horse shoes that Nancy had cut out of paper along the pavement for Gabrielle to follow to her horse, which was in my mom's craft room. Every two or three horse shoes, we had put a little present. Each present was a different color plastic horse, for Gabrielle and Beth to play with!

Gabrielle on trail!

Gabrielle really enjoyed the trail, but LOVED her horse!! She was playing with it all afternoon!!

We all enjoyed her birthday and we hope she did too!

Have a good Sunday further!


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